Red Eyed Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK

I recently bought 6 last weekend and wondered if anyone has had any problems with them. They all seem to be settled at the moment??

Cheers Shereezy
Problems? like what?

Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae are a peacefull fish, if kept in groups.
if kept in pairs they can be very nippy to other fish, especially guppies and other fish with long fins.

you do know that they can reach 3" (7.5cm) right?
therefor they should not be in anything smaller than a 24x12x12 tank.
Hi There,ive had loads of trouble with my Red Eyed Tetras such as fin nipping my Zebra danios and terrorizing the tank,just causing havoc really!I bought another 4 to go woth the 6 i already had and this seemed to stop them annoying the other fish.But i have had a lot of them which seem to get a lot of bacteria infections,even though i keep very strict hygiene in my tank with regular water changes and water tests
Hmm, I had a pair in my 10 gallon tank, and they were alright. They cycled the tank too, and seemed healthy and happy after.
we used to have 6 redeyes & just lost the last 2 after 3 yrs quite recently. we found them to be peaceful fish never bothering anything else in our tank. one of our oldies was quite big - about 2 inches, the other oldie was only about an inch & alot slimmer (maybe a m & f??? never knew how to sex them) :D

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