Red Eye Tetra

Sink or Swim

New Member
Mar 8, 2005
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I have about 15 'Red Eyes' and every morning when the light comes they all go through a ritual of chasing each other around the tank in several groups. There is nothing aggressive in their manner in fact its quite entertaining lasting for about an hour. Had the fish about 9 months and this happens every day.
What does it all mean??
i also have a couple of black phantom tetras... it's just their nature in chasing one another...
I dont beleive they are supposed to be under livebearers section, anywho, it could be a dominant male thing, my Bullhead Minnows do it all the time, ramming their head against other fish, the dominant male in my tank does this to gain control of the zone where the food is usually placed in, in your case im guessing a group of males or whatever is trying to gain control of where the food is so they can eat till they explode. :nod:

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