Red Eye Puffers + Corries


New Member
May 22, 2008
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Why do everyone say they don't get on?
I'm keeping 2 pepper corries + 3 albino corries with a red eye and they've never had a problem, sometimes when the albinos school at the top with the fast water the puffer joins them aswell.
Anything to be worried about?
Certain people dont recommend it as cories are considered to be 'vulnerable' as they just sit at the bottom.
Ive got cories and cardinals in with my Dwarves atm and theyre fine. Im gettign rid of the cardinals as theyre very fast...abit too fast for the puffs :S
Im getting a pair of Irrubescos to go with my dwarves. They are the most peaceful of the red eyes. You can tell if you have irrubescos as the male has a red tail...wouldnt surprise me if you ahd these as other red eyes eg the salviator are v.aggressive and they woudl have a go at the cories :good:
Interesting that you're going to be housing dwarfs and Irrubescos together Connor.
I had a pair of Irrubescos and they beat the living daylights our of each other. From personal experience (due to bad information/so called advice before I found the puffer forum) I wouldn't house these guys with anything else, and I'd just stick to otos with DPs :unsure: :)
Jenny, are you certain they were Irrubesco's/Red Eye RED Tail puffers, and not C.Salviator or C.Loreti, who are known to be far more aggressive than the Irrubescos. They are often mislabeled and you can only tell the difference as the males have red tails.
I know, but i have been reassured by many people that its fine...but theres always a chance that theyll go nuts on the dwarves, as every fish has different personalities, as you know.
Have a look at these links, showing them living together in harmony :D

Neale Monks has his with some larger community fish and South American Puffers...cant remember what community fish they are but he's defo got them with SAPs. I was talking to him awhile ago and he said they are fairly peaceful

EDIT: Couldnt find the other links :S
I've had both kinds of red eyes (fangs puffer and irrubesco, as well as borneensis and lorteti from the smaller type) and some got on some didn't. That's just how it goes with puffers!
Yeah i'm pretty sure the males at the store had red tails.
I got a fem though, would you advise keeping a male + fem? they're really nce fish
i have 2 irrubescos, 1 dwarf and 3 south american puffers in the same tank and havent had any problems.
i have 2 irrubescos, 1 dwarf and 3 south american puffers in the same tank and havent had any problems.
See Jenny :p im only joking
Id go for a pair of them...2 males would probs fight :good:
Update kinda thing:

So my puffer went for one of my corries, (Hovered over it...) missed by a lot ect ect.
She goes for my albino shark+albino corries, and thats it.
So im removing those fish and will be left with

- golden Chinese sucker loach (Think thats the name)
- Common plec (4")
- 2x pepper corries (They're pretty big and puffer hasn't started on them)]
- 1 Siamese war fish
- 1 clown loach

I was thinking possibly get rid of everything but the fighter fish, chinese loach,plec and keep them with maybe 2-3 more puffers?

Or what would you suggest? I can re-house any of the fish apart from the puffer/plec as i have access to another tank which already has a few plecos in.
I like intresting fish which are different so what about having say
- 1 golden nugget plec
- warfish
- group of puffer
- Anything else?
Jenny, are you certain they were Irrubesco's/Red Eye RED Tail puffers, and not C.Salviator or C.Loreti

Yes matey, they were deffo Irrubesco puffs! Trouble was, the shop I got them from told me they were giving me a female and a male. It turned out to be two males - thier sexing turned out to be SO wrong. When I took the bodies back 2 days after I bought them and told them that the little chaps had been fighting tooth and nail and even bitten through the bag on the way home, they vowed to bag them separately in future and gave me two more which were also both male! I took them both back the next day before they killed each other like the first two. Knowledge, experience and research are great things, and I'd not make that mistake ever again (I was new to the hobby back then and rather green).
i have 2 irrubescos, 1 dwarf and 3 south american puffers in the same tank and havent had any problems.
See Jenny :p im only joking
Id go for a pair of them...2 males would probs fight :good:
:p It's still not something I'd like to risk as it's not good for my stress levels :lol:

I like intresting fish which are different so what about having say
- 1 golden nugget plec
- warfish
- group of puffer
- Anything else?
The trouble with puffers is they like to take a bite of things to see if they're tasty...I'd think the bettas finnage would be far too tempting and it wouldn't be able to swim away from the puffers fast enough.

Just my opinion ;)
Hehe, we try :shifty:
Im really after a pair of Irrubesco's but theyre just not coming up on the lists recently...i need to start giving you some GOOD discount dont i lol :crazy:

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