Red Eye Puffer in a community tank


Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Derby, UK

Have seen some Red Eye puffers in my local LFS, and was wondering if they'd be suitable for a community tank ?

Will have a search on here as well, just thought I'd raise this question whilst I'm looking !!! ;)
andy - i got 2 of them in a 20g on their own, most of the time they ok with each other but occasionally have little spats between themselves. All the advice i was given was species only, sir minion suggested possibly a bristlenose as a tankmate? I dont think I'd risk letting them loose in my barb tank though just in case...
If you can spare the room in another tank though definitely worth getting!! Quite lively, and great to watch snail-hunting! Also pigs when it comes to bloodworm - eat till their bellies bulge!!!

nb Kaleidoscope Koi in Paignton have some south americans in at the moment but seem a bit pricey at £12. did you see the big fig 8's in Bovey too? theyre huuuge!!
Might scrap that idea then !!! ;)

Yeah I saw those Fig 8's, but tbh I thought they looked in horrendous condition :(

They looked like they had some kind of 'fungus' or mould on the tops of the bodies, and most of them if not all, had fin damage due to fin-nipping by the others.....
yeah the suppliers apparently sent those figure 8's mislabeled as spotted puffers at 2" long! they looked a bit scruffy when they arrived, am guessing theyre mature fish as theyre a lot bigger than f8's i;ve seen in other shops
I took a chance the other day and decided to rehome my 3 dwarf puffers in with the two red-eyes. So far so good, the red-eyes show no aggression whatsoever to the dwarfs so far. The dwarfs like to swim together, and try to shoal with the red-eyes but they just keep out of the dwarfs way and ignore them. Fingers crossed....

By the way those figure 8's are ceylons, they've improved loads in condition now. I will either be bringing one of the ceylons or a couple of figure 8's from another LFS home fairly soon!!

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