Red Empress


New Member
Oct 9, 2002
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I got a tip from an employee at a LFS to buy the breeding pair of Red Empress' that had just arrived. This was a year ago. I was hoping to be able to start a colony, but I haven't seen any for sale since. Are these fish rare, or just in my area (Ontario)?

Can anyone tell me the scientific name, I forgot.

Thanks again!
The scientific name is Protomelas taeniolatus.

They are not really rare, but may just not be readily available where you live!!

I have young adult breeding quads (1M/3F) available for sale.

Where in Ontario do you live. Are you close to the Detroit/Windsor border? If you are I am only about a 20 minute drive from there.

May be worth a trip to the states as I don't ship out of the states due to the added cost of game and wildlife permits (about $100.00 added cost!!)

I live around London...about 200+KMs from the border. It would be a 2 1/2 or 3 hour trip depending on the border... will fish live that long in a container?

If I was to purchase your quad I would likely have to get another tank...hmmmm! I will let you know if I am all means don't hold them.

Thanks, Joe
No problem Joe,

When you mentioned starting a "colony" I just figured you had a large tank!!

As for fish making it through that long a trip....yes they will!!!

I ship fish overnight next day delivery with no problems. There are times the fish are in the shipping bags for up to 28 hours. It all depends on if their bagged properly!!

Hello Joe,

If you can get a pair of Red Empress from CM you won't regret it, I got a pair from him few months ago, and the male is the nicest looking empress I have ever saw. Looks just like the AD. Konnings pict. in his books. I just got my fourth batch of fry this week. B) I have seen many in the lfs store and I have raised before and they all were more orange color then red.

Cheers, ;)

What are these fish i keep hearing about ???
what size are they, are they agressive what fish can they be kept with and what size tank do they need. Alaso what do they look like. They sound very interesting!!!!!
Thanx :D

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