Red Dots On Inside Of Guppy


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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There are red, flat dots on the inside of my female guppy. The spots are on the big silver thing inside them that encases their organs, and multiplying. (Sorry could not get a specific name for it)
Her syptoms are:
A Crooked Spine
Swollen Anus
Doing a bit of a shimmy to swim
Breathing heavily
I don't believe it is the water because no other fish are showing signs.
Could she have internal bleeding?
Pics are impossible, sorry. :/
Oh dear!
Can you give the water stats anyway just to double check?
Tank size?
Temp of water?
When did you get this guppy, is she a new addition or anything like that?
I know you said a pic is impossible, but is there ANY chance you could get a pic? Think this would help enormously I think to give us more of an idea exactly what you mean by your description.
Ch4rlie said:
Oh dear!
Can you give the water stats anyway just to double check?  Today is WC day, but Ammonia is at .25 before the WC.
Tank size? 20 gallon, I moved her to what I believe is a 1 gallon QT
Temp of water? 79F in 20 gallon, 80F in QT
When did you get this guppy, is she a new addition or anything like that? She's quite the old lady guppy, one of my very first fish in the tank. Perhaps 3 months ago?
I know you said a pic is impossible, but is there ANY chance you could get a pic? Think this would help enormously I think to give us more of an idea exactly what you mean by your description. I'll try. :)
Oh, and the QT is filtering and heated.
I added 3 ghost shrimps from my own tank.


Here is an underside view of a few spots.

Here is a pic of her swollen anus:


If you look close near her gravid spot you can see 3 vein-like dots.
I have seen the red dots on my guppies, it was a while ago, it only happened right before they died though. I am not sure if it means death or not... :/ I hope not. She looks as though she may drop fry in the last photo, but the swollen anus makes me think maybe not. 
The shrimp wouldn't have caused it if they just switched tanks (as long as that tank wasn't sick).
She has some burgundy poo and is pineconing a bit, but has a healthy appetite.

Yeah bluesword, I hope it doesn't mean death. :(
If she is eating try feeding some cooked deshelled pea (you'll only need one), feed her nothing but peas for 3-4 days and lots and lots of clean water. Is she in a separate tank?, if so do 50% wc each day. Or if you have a strong antibacterial medication try that.
She definintly has internal bleeding. Her spots has accumulated into a large blob of blood next to her gravid spot. I have no meds to solve this, and she already has been through so much.

I read on internal bleeding and started her on a Melafix. The closest store to me is 45 mins away, and has no helpful meds.
She has bloody and clear poo. Her anus in pineconing like mad now.
I would just put her down if you have the means. If not just make sure she is in clean warm water. I'm sorry. :,(
I clove oiled her today. :( I could see she was starting to get more and more lethargic, like she was giving up.

Oh, and star4, she would not except the peas.

But...on further inspection, I saw torn up, white, moldy fry in the bottom of the tank. She was frybound!! I hope I made the right decision in euthanasia... Her gravid spot still remained right before I cloved her, so I'm thinking she had a LOT of fry in her, which explained the moldy swollen anus.
She may have had some issues with the fry if they were all moldy in the tank. I bet one was stuck and most of the fry died and started to decay. 

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