Red Devils Or Red Terrors A More Agressive Cichlid?

I've had a few of each. It depends on the individual fish, mostly.

Out of all the red devils and red terrors I've had if I had to choose which of my fish between them was meaner it would definitely be one of the red terrors without a doubt.

You can get calmer ones of each but speaking in general red terrors are usually more aggressive. The female terrors weren't as bad as the males. Someone on here has a thread going on about a female red terror that is pretty viscious but I've never had a female as bad as that or that I can remember, at least. The males were just out and out too much for them to be with any other fish, ime, but I've sometimes been able to keep red devils with other fish.

Red Terrors, much like Oscars, are big babies until they get larger. They would always get picked on by other fish but once the get bigger...

Anyone have experience with both?

red terrors are supposed to be more of a predatory fish and more aggressive.

There's quite a bit of bad info in that link. ;)
Have you tested the phosphate level in your tap water? Could be that it's in the tap and there's nothing you can do.

I've had a few of each. It depends on the individual fish, mostly.

Out of all the red devils and red terrors I've had if I had to choose which of my fish between them was meaner it would definitely be one of the red terrors without a doubt.

You can get calmer ones of each but speaking in general red terrors are usually more aggressive. The female terrors weren't as bad as the males. Someone on here has a thread going on about a female red terror that is pretty viscious but I've never had a female as bad as that or that I can remember, at least. The males were just out and out too much for them to be with any other fish, ime, but I've sometimes been able to keep red devils with other fish.

Red Terrors, much like Oscars, are big babies until they get larger. They would always get picked on by other fish but once the get bigger...

Anyone have experience with both?

red terrors are supposed to be more of a predatory fish and more aggressive.

There's quite a bit of bad info in that link. ;)

Didn't read it much lol.Normally it's quite good.Oh well
I've never owned a RD, but my female RT is a devil! She was good in my tank, then all of a sudden... she doesn't like my JD anymore :(. (Sorry Gatorbait that I didn't keep you updated). I have heard many stories of RDs being able to be kept with other fish. I have kept midas, and it is in with my hybrid. It's cute, everytime the Midas goes out of line, my hybrid attacks him to remind him to play nice. In fact whenever my smaller fish get out of line and get nasty. The bigger ones attack them to teach them not to bully. Like the attacks aren't mean, it looks like a parent giving a kid a swat on the behind to teach right from wrong. I have mostly cichlids and they all get along great, I had another fish, noone bothers each other. The new fish attacks the others, the tank kind of teaches them to be nice and that's it. Is that normal?

Well anyways, my midas is doing good, my RT had to be put in a tank all by herself. My JD is afraid to come out in fear that the RT is still in the tank. I rearranged the tank when I put the RT in, and everytime I move something she pales out. She always hid (my JD) since I got her, so I'm not concerned about that. She just goes pale and stressed really easy now, like she is living in fear that the RT will be back.

If you want a RT with tankmates, my suggestion is to put the RT in months after the other fish get situated, have a tank size of like 200+ gallons and pray. RDs, people keep them with their cichlids of similar temperment all the time and do very well.

That is just my experience and my $0.02.
Sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you, Nevergone. I'm glad you still have all healthy fish, tho and no deaths occured.

Hopefully in time your JD will be more outgoing and forgets the trauma from the festae. They are just extremely nasty fish but I've never had a female as nasty as yours. It may be because I've never kept the cichlids that you have now, either. The female festae was usually in a temporary growout tank with dovii, umbi, motaguense etc.

Thanks for the update on her tho. :good:

cheesy feet, I didn't mean any harm. I just didn't want people to take that as gospel on that page because some of the info written is incorrect, imo. :)
Sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you, Nevergone. I'm glad you still have all healthy fish, tho and no deaths occured.

Hopefully in time your JD will be more outgoing and forgets the trauma from the festae. They are just extremely nasty fish but I've never had a female as nasty as yours. It may be because I've never kept the cichlids that you have now, either. The female festae was usually in a temporary growout tank with dovii, umbi, motaguense etc.

Thanks for the update on her tho. :good:

cheesy feet, I didn't mean any harm. I just didn't want people to take that as gospel on that page because some of the info written is incorrect, imo. :)
No Problemo0( :unsure: ).I knew you didn't mean harm :good:
Sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you, Nevergone. I'm glad you still have all healthy fish, tho and no deaths occured.

Hopefully in time your JD will be more outgoing and forgets the trauma from the festae. They are just extremely nasty fish but I've never had a female as nasty as yours. It may be because I've never kept the cichlids that you have now, either. The female festae was usually in a temporary growout tank with dovii, umbi, motaguense etc.

Thanks for the update on her tho. :good:

cheesy feet, I didn't mean any harm. I just didn't want people to take that as gospel on that page because some of the info written is incorrect, imo. :)

Yea, as long as the tank isn't rearranged, the JD is great. And the stress is gone. She always was a shy fish, it makes me wonder what she was with before. Maybe the RT earlier? Who knows where she came from?

For the longest time I thought my RT was a male, but the vent screamed female and I actually found out who owned her before. She was turned into the lfs by one of the employees as he used to breed them, but she grew to aggressive for his one tank, so he gave her to the lfs in hopes that someone good would get her. Once he found out form one of the other employees (the only other one besides the previous RT owner that actually knows about fish in that place) that I was the one that got her he was really relieved as he knows I take great care of my fish and knows ALL of my tanks and the fish involved. But he confirmed that it was in fact a she, and since he bred them, I want to trust him on this one.

I've never heard of females being this bad. Outside of her though, I've ALWAYS gotten the most peaceful docile cichlids you could imagine, I guess it had to happen eventually where I got a mean one :lol:

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