Red Devils Breeding Any advice


New Member
Dec 8, 2004
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I am new here for a good reason, my Red Devils have decided to lay eggs tonight, shocked :eek: me to say the least. They have been in a 55gallon tank a month together. I never expected them to breed as I have always been told they are not good breeders.
Does anyone have any info on how long it will take the eggs to hatch and what I should feed the fry? I have raised Convict fry many times, just want to make sure I do the best I can for my much loved Red Devils.

Well the babies have hatched and have a few old enough to be free swimming. Dad rounds them up and puts them back with mom when they get out of their Strawberry jar. He seems to think they need a time out first and takes them to a corner he has cleared of rock for about 30 minutes then back to the jar they go. This is so cute to watch , this huge aggressive fish being so gentle and caring. I have even noticed him giving the babies "Baths", basically swish and spit LOL.
I picked up frozen Daphnia today for them, mom and dad seem to like it as well. May try brine shrimp in a few more days was told it will help the babies get that orange color. :D
Your best option is to remove the male as he will become VERY agressive and even attack you! he will try to kill the female as well its always best to leave the babies with just the female, as for eating the fry live off the slime coat that the mother has on her scales so dont be worried if you see the fry biteing her, its all good.

Congrats on breeding these fish they are without a doubt one of the hardest cichlids to breed due to there agressive tempers.

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