Red Devil

because not everybody has the tank space or doesn't want that kind of temperment out of a cichlid, I how ever do have many fish of equal or more agressive natures than a RD and an RD is definatly on my list of fish to get when the fish room is done.
I've got a midas (very close relative of RDs) hybrid. I believe her to be 75% midas and 25% severum... she was sold as a sweetheart bloodparrot (and yes, she is missing her tail) but has the shape of a midas. Very, very cool fish. Although agressive, she's able to live with my oscar because she apparently thinks they're a pair. They display mating behaviour on occasion but can never agree on a place to lay eggs :lol:. I catch them having a quarrel on rare occasion, but so far no visible injuries, not even a split fin :)

I highly recommend this fish to anyone who has the space and wouldn't mind keeping it alone if it won't tolerate tankmates. I'd love to have a bottom feeder in my tank, but miss Marie Antoinette would never allow it!
I just got a Red Devil givin to me. I was wondering if anyone had any tips?

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