Red Crab Predators


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2007
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I bought a red crab earlier this week, but it seems to have vanished. Are there any fish that would fancy a crabby snack? I have also heard that they are good climbers and are good at escaping. Please help
What other fish are in your tank? And crabs are very good at escaping, so you need a tight lid.
I have a striped catfish, puffer, firemouth cichlid, pengasius cat and a few red eyes.
I have a striped catfish, puffer, firemouth cichlid, pengasius cat and a few red eyes.

You may want to research what fish you put together, most of those aren't compatible, your crab could well have been killed by your fish, that is if he decided to stay in your tank and isn't currently residing in a dark corner of your home.
Puffers demolish me its seems most of the people that buy red claw crabs buy them as puffer food.

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