Red Coral Saulosi Cichlid Has No Fin!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 18, 2009
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I bought a couple of the above fish today and got home to discover 1 has only one fin on its side(the one they use to swim with). This may sound stupid but will the fin grow back?
His/her (now named Nemo by my son) tail is ragged too, so must have been bullied in the lfs.
It should grow back no problem if it has been bitten off.It may also be a genetic disfigurement so may not grow back.Only time will tell.
I answered in your other thread, so I'm just going to copy it here. :good:

It really depends on how damaged it is. If you have one, it would be best to put it in a hospital/quarantine tank to avoid more aggression from the others and with a smaller space it won't have to go as far to get food. Mbuna heal very quickly and all they really need is clean water, I've seen them heal from some pretty nasty wounds, so unless the fin is entirely gone it probably has a pretty good chance.
I answered in your other thread, so I'm just going to copy it here. :good:

It really depends on how damaged it is. If you have one, it would be best to put it in a hospital/quarantine tank to avoid more aggression from the others and with a smaller space it won't have to go as far to get food. Mbuna heal very quickly and all they really need is clean water, I've seen them heal from some pretty nasty wounds, so unless the fin is entirely gone it probably has a pretty good chance.

I'm afraid there is just no fin at all. Seems to be doing ok with the others though and swims around ok, i just feel so sorry for it.
Well, if it has no fin it was either aggression or as spikeyboy suggested a deformity, from what I've read "red corals" are hybrids (believed to be a mix between true P.saulosi & M.estherae) so it's definitely a possibility. As long as it's not having any problems swimming and is eating well, I wouldn't worry too much. :good:

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