Red Claw Shrimp

they appear to have a similar structure to the ghost shrimp,  these are going to be omnivores and will favor protein based foods i am sure.
These are highly aggressive. They aren't "huge" at a maximum of 7cm for males but they are highly aggressive. Only the males develop the huge claws but both genders are aggressive. A quick quote from their species profile on Shrimpnow.
Although Macrobrachium shrimps are usually very agressive, these shrimps will tolerate being in small groups if housed in larger tanks. Shouldn't be kept in a community tank with small fish and dwarf shrimps. Excellent scavengers!
I have Macrobrachium shrimps in my community tank. They are aggressive and I am fairly sure that the big male caught and killed a neon but I believe the neon was sick. He will grab at the fish but a healthy fish is too quick for him to really grab on so I don't think they pose a great threat to healthy fish. They are excellent scavengers though and take care of any leftovers very quickly. They never seem so stop eating.
The one in the video looks exactly like mine except mine do not have the red claws. The same shape claws but mine are clear.
this is a pic of my male.
Yours looks like a Long Arm Shrimp(Macrobrachium lanchesteri) which get to 8cm's max but males are highly territorial and aggressive and most likely would be able to catch a healthy fish if they were determined.
Macrobrachium shrimps or prawns as they are called are aggresive. I mean really. they killed my betta. yup my betta.

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