Red Claw Shrimp?


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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Eat fish or not? I mean shrimp not crab
Yup, fish eater. The ring claw macro is a little better behaved, that only eats baby fish.


I saw these yesterday. I wanted :(

but i thought my dwarf puffers would be at risk? lol :(
There's a small chance yeah, but I have kept them with neon tetras, kuhli loaches...... I still have a female in there (the males are MIA).

well i dont have the £8 each for them, anyway. :crazy:
Mine were £2.50 each in our LFS, who had them badly labled as just "Freshwater Shrimp". lol. They don't stock shrimp all of the time though, just every now and then. When they do though they seem to get bamboo, cherry, macros and chameleon shrimp, no amano's oddly though. Got my amanos nice and cheap from zoostock though.

Someone selling red claw shrimp reckons he keeps them with guppies, corydoras, celestial danio, kuhlie loach and amano shrimp???????????!!!
Someone selling red claw shrimp reckons he keeps them with guppies, corydoras, celestial danio, kuhlie loach and amano shrimp???????????!!!

They might well be, but the odds are that any guppy fry get eaten. Could also be that they actually have ring claw shrimp rather than red claw, these are much better behaved with fish.

Eat fish or not? I mean shrimp not crab
i want to get a blue shrimp but i don't know what they eat fish or fish food. any advice

Uhm, there are quite a frew varieties of 'blue shrimp', rather than just one. Most shrimp however eat a mixture of algae and whatever they can get their claws on that is small enough, including small particles of fish food. Many shrimp keepers like to supplement their diet with either shrimp food like JBL Novo Prawn or crustacean food like Hikari Crab Cuisine as these can help with moulting.


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