Red Claw Fish For Sale


New Member
Mar 8, 2009
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hi, im selling my red claw cray fish. he is male, bout 2 1/2 years old and is fully grown. he is great to watch in the tank he eats pretty much everything but perticularly likes frozzen blood worms (he goes made for them lol) i have had him in my tank with clown loach, large lepord pleco, bala shark, red line torpido barbs and rainbow fish and he gets on with them well.

reason for sale is beacuse he is to big for me now with my large pleco and i would like live plants which he loves to eat lol

i would like £20 for him but ono. i live in ipswich, suffolk

message me if your intrested
hows about putting this in the buy/sell/swap section?

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