Red Claw Crabs

Tom H

New Member
Oct 29, 2004
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in my lfs they had some red clawed crabs (red thai crabs?).

These little things were great to watch, and i really would like some. Is there anything i need to know if i get some?

I realise they are no good with slow fish :eek: *snip* :eek: so what suitable tank and tankmates can anyone suggest?

Hey Tom,

Crabs are best saved to a species tank. I have 4 in a 10gallon (24"x12"). it's filled with rocks, slate, pots and a piece of wood.

I feed the Hikari crab cuisine pellets, frozen foods, live foods, catfish pellets, algae wafers and when sitting on the log they will take flakes and other floating foods.

I have it half filled with the wood above the water for the crabs to sit on, my filter lays on it's side.

They will catch, attack, damage and kill anything they can get there claws on.

I had a few platties in there just to lay there babies but I did a water change, platty got stuck in sticky situation while the tide was low and crab got 2 of them!!

I was the tank to rear platty fry as food fro other tanks!!
thanks for your reply.

I was planning on putting 3 in an 8 gallon tank. i plan to have sand as the substrate, some tall plant at the back (vallis) and some rocky hiding places. I hear they like to dig under things, so i will be careful!

I was thinking of putting some small tetras or something in there, but now i dont think so!! :D

Thanks alot

Thats a good plan, make a area out of the water aswell.

My theory is that when supplied with out of water areas they don't escape but when not suplied with out of water areas they will escape to get out the water!!

Mine have done some digging in the sand but not tht much, there is 1 tunnel that goes under a large flat laid peice of slate.
ah ok. thanks.

I seem to remember reading somewhere that they like a small amount of salt in the water? Can anyone justify this?
i personally use freshwater.

using salt to makeit brackish will be fine for them, there's nothing to say they have a perference, probable more down to the keepers one!!
thanks you have been really helpful!

Just one more question though, how did you create an area out of water? Do you just have a bank of sand that comes out of the water, or can you do it with just sticks of bogwood that leave the surface?

(sorry for more questions)

just got my crabs!!!

They are in my 10 gallon at the moment because my 8 is still cycling. They are really fun to watch, and they love live bloodworm!!

Thanks again for the help

thanks a lot for the picture, thats a big help! I have some bogwood, and rocks (scrubbed and boiled) so i will try and make something similar to your tank!

thanks again, you really have been helpful! :D :D

No worries, get some pics up if you can when your done.

My filter is on the right by the way and the wood lays on the side of it.

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