Red Claw Crabs


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
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my 1 crabs arm came off. i think 1 of my ornaments my have fallen on his claw and just fell off not long later. i can c where it crushed it and i kno they grow back but the arm came off just below the shoulder. and ive noticed since yesterday the stump (that is no stump just a hole kinda with small piece of the old arm left has gone black :S and i have a feeling he might die hes hiding in the vines alot havent seen him eat not sure..... opinions?
my 1 crabs arm came off. i think 1 of my ornaments my have fallen on his claw and just fell off not long later. i can c where it crushed it and i kno they grow back but the arm came off just below the shoulder. and ive noticed since yesterday the stump (that is no stump just a hole kinda with small piece of the old arm left has gone black :S and i have a feeling he might die hes hiding in the vines alot havent seen him eat not sure..... opinions?

could you state what type of tank you have. both size and water type is important.
Redclaw need Brackish water. this is an absolute must!
they also need land, and lots of it.
usually you will have 2/3 land 1/3 water.

can yo also provide some pictures?
there is lots of land stuff to climb up and its brackish water thankfully he has peeled his skin and i was reading up that they may decide to loose an arm when they shed im sure hes fine now hes down from the vines and eating lots again but i will repost is any problems thanks :)
there is lots of land stuff to climb up and its brackish water thankfully he has peeled his skin and i was reading up that they may decide to loose an arm when they shed im sure hes fine now hes down from the vines and eating lots again but i will repost is any problems thanks :)

sounds like a good start.
though these crabs live on LAND, not in the water. so, for their long term health, a move to a lands based set-up, is vital.
it, is indeed, common for inverts to loose digits during moult. but usually only as they get bigger, and older.however, its uncommon, for them to loose them, at any time, other than the moult..

the reason i asked for a picture is. you mention the wound has gone black (ish).
this could be one of two things:
1. infected and necrotic flesh.
2. a new claw. beginning to develop. (usually a pale colour, at first. darkening to a very deep red.)

either way, i would recommend the use of an anti bacterial. NOT an ANTIBIOTIC, mind. just an anti bac. (this also helps with guarding against fungal infection too.)
something like Melafix.
now you can make your own (theoretically much cheaper)
Melafix is simply teatree oil, distilled water and an homogenising agent. (as are all the various brands)
problem with making, really effective, home brew is the homogenising agent (just mixing water and tretree oil, will not cut it, as the oil simply floats to the water surface.)
which homogenising agent you use, greatly effects how well the mix will work. its , also, not commonly sold in retail. if you add the volumes you have to buy it in!
its cheaper, just, to buy Melafix.
ive added melfix a few days ago the stump had gone white now everything is fine he is healing well and i can already c a tip of the new arm coming he was in fact molting and it just fell off added a bit more salt (table spoon)just to help
since the arm came off and the urgency of air for these lil guys was such a must i have added a underwater island to the deep side of the tank
since the arm came off and the urgency of air for these lil guys was such a must i have added a underwater island to the deep side of the tank

oh good.
only thing is. Its not air they need (they have gills) but land.
as i said, they live on land, not in the water
in nature, they only time they spend in the water. is whilst they sleep. even then they tend to bury themselves.
they rest of their life is spent on dry land, and at the waters edge, feeding.
since the arm came off and the urgency of air for these lil guys was such a must i have added a underwater island to the deep side of the tank

oh good.
only thing is. Its not air they need (they have gills) but land.
as i said, they live on land, not in the water
in nature, they only time they spend in the water. is whilst they sleep. even then they tend to bury themselves.
they rest of their life is spent on dry land, and at the waters edge, feeding.

its a 40 gl with land on both sides!!! and i took out the under water island cuz they never use it....... :/

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