Red Claw Crabs!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
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I will be upgrading to a 125 liter tank shortly, and i was going to add some corydoras to the tank for the bottom, however i think adding a red claw crab would be much more interesting/entertaining/different.

Basically to those who have kept/keep/know about them, how can i make them happy?

By the way the other fish will be guppies and neon tetra, will these be ok with the crab.

PPS: How many crabs would be safe together in that tank (81 x 36 x 50cm)
You need to decide if you are having the corrys or crabs because if you keep them both together like i did once there is a chance that the crabs will eat them and even if the corry is bigger the crab wont let go...mind you my corrys were albino which are a smaller breed but that sort of crab is usually fine with fish other than bottom dwellers as long as it cant grab them and they are also like little 'Hudinies' and can escape to a great extent so i recomend a strong hood.
Yeah maybe i worded it wrong but in my post i meant either cories or crabs, not both together.


Red claws are brackish, of the fish you listed, only the guppy can also live in brackish water. Red claws are also semi-aquatic land creatures and will need access to a large area of dry land.
Red claws are brackish, of the fish you listed, only the guppy can also live in brackish water. Red claws are also semi-aquatic land creatures and will need access to a large area of dry land.

Really? the majority of websites say theyll be fine in freshwater. I know they need land, ill add some large wood like a ramp.
They also need substrate to burrow into, like sand. If they can't do that, they'll colonize your tank's decor.
Red claws are brackish, of the fish you listed, only the guppy can also live in brackish water. Red claws are also semi-aquatic land creatures and will need access to a large area of dry land.

Really? the majority of websites say theyll be fine in freshwater. I know they need land, ill add some large wood like a ramp.

yep a great deal of the info on the net, about these guys, is dodgy.

they are land critters that need access to brackish water, not the other way around! this makes it difficult to keep them with anything because the volume of water is so small! a 1/3 water 2/3 land split is ok but 1/4 water 3/4 dry is the ideal. as stated they could really do with a deep layer of sand to burrow in. Top critters though, each with very distinct personality's.

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