Red Claw Crab


Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2012
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 I have a 15 gallon tank with Red claw crab and a Bushy Nose Pleco. Can I keep dwarf frog or Moscow Black Velvet Guppy(m/F)?
 I have rock so the crab can get out of water.
Rule of thumb, Don't add fish with crabs that have claws. They'll cut them up at somepoint.
Crab only tanks if you wanna keep them.
I agree with techen, they are just like crayfish in the sense that the are scavengers and predators in the wild, it will only be a matter of time before the crab gets a fish..
Also keep in mind that like fiddlers red claws are NOT fully aquatic crabs. They must have some bit of land so they can come out of the water. They are also incredible escape artists and will get out of the tank anyway they possibly can. I'm had more than one on crawl across my floor!
Many crabs will go after fish in an oportunistic way. With red claws it will generally only be fish that are sick. They wave a good claw but when it comes to a healthy fish the fish is the faster.
 I have rock that goes to the top of the tank. He can get out on tha water and dry off.
To answer your question, no. As a side note, bushy nose need bigger than a 15. :/

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