Red Cherry Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2006
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i bought 30 baby cherry shimp a month ago B)

and 1 now has bunch little yellow eggs under her towards the back :D
looks like snail eggs kinda

anybody know how long it take to hatch or how many she will have ???

they are in a 20 gal long with no fish just java moss and baby ramhorn snails

between 21 and 30 days usually, it depends on the temperature in cooler water they take longer to hatch, soon you will have lots of lil cherries :) Young shrimp have less eggs but usually more than 20 eggs older shrimp can have up to forty.
Congrats, though I am a little jealous.
I've been trying to breed mine for what must be 2 months now. The females are huge compared to the males, who are still colourless. Though I did get my shrimp when they were insanely small.
yea i got mine off ebay
they where very small baby i guess less most less then half inch

i got a great deal 40 shrimp for 30 bucks shipped

i had 1 i think moult today

i found looks like a shrimp skin in there :huh:

most of mine have red color and maybe 10 still colorless

are the colorless one nornally males ???
From what I understand males take longer to mature, though I'm no expert. I also got mine off ebay very very small, literally about 2mm in lengh. After asking around for them, I couldnt find any, not even in other cities. 10 for £18 inc P+P (about 36 dollars, 3.8 dollars a shrimp - expenisve, though I couldnt find them anywhere else).

On a better note, my mum found 1 baby shrimp tonight, I am amazed and so happy lol, over a shrimp :p. I think I may have spotted one more, though not certain. I keep seeing tiny, minute little things on the sand, dunno if they are baby shrimp, or somesort of water bug(and I mean tiny, not even a magnifying glass could make them out).
Up to 5 female with eggs YeHa :good:
finding more and more every couple days :drool:
and all going good
snails are breeding good in there to
must like all the java moss & plants

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