Red Cherry Shrimp - Yellow Sack


Apistogramma Macmasteri
May 4, 2010
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Just wondering what the yellow sack is in some of my shrimp. Is it a female pregnancy?
Just wondering what the yellow sack is in some of my shrimp. Is it a female pregnancy?

If it's on the top of the shrimp, it's called a saddle. The eggs start there and then eventually drop to the abdomen. If you see something in the abdomen, it's eggs. If you have the neocaridina shrimp(cherry, sakura etc) then you will have babies in about 4 weeks.
True story
Make sure you put a sponge of some sort over the filter. Other wise the babies will get sucked up.
I use the foam blocks and put a slit in the middle with scissors. Then I slide that up over the filter intake.
Try to get the thickest foam block you can. I know that I get the 1 inch last time, so 2 in a box and it is doable but i would prefer the 2 inch one instead.
Or you can get an actual sponge filter.
It is also great for additional bio media and a place for the shrimp to feed.

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