Ive had red cherry shrimp for over a month, and they all suddenly died in a space of an evening. I recently re-added the filter for 2 days, after I found that it had sucked up my shrimp and fry, with tights around the input.
There were all healthy and showed no signs of being ill.
Water chemistry: Ammonia = 0 nitrite = 0 nitrate: 20 pH = 7.4
Could the tights have had something on them from the wash that would have caused the mass death?
Ive had red cherry shrimp for over a month, and they all suddenly died in a space of an evening. I recently re-added the filter for 2 days, after I found that it had sucked up my shrimp and fry, with tights around the input.
There were all healthy and showed no signs of being ill.
Water chemistry: Ammonia = 0 nitrite = 0 nitrate: 20 pH = 7.4
Could the tights have had something on them from the wash that would have caused the mass death?