Red Cherry Shrimp Feeding


Mr. Terrorcore!
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
Nuneaton, Warwickshire
Just wondering what kind of vegetables you feed your Red Cherry Shrimp (and how much Per Week)?

Also how much algae wafers do you feed them? (Per Week)

Cheers :good:
Feeding depends on if there are other things in the tank (i.e. fish - for excess fish food)

But I think feeding daily and leaving the food in for a few hours is the best practice. I leave my food in longer than that but that is my personal choice. More feeding should mean more breeding, so it also depends on how much you want them to breed.

As for vegetables I think they like any green vegetable - I haven't tried mine with much - I've tried broccoli a few times they seemed to sit on it and pick at it a bit.
Just wondering what kind of vegetables you feed your Red Cherry Shrimp (and how much Per Week)?

Also how much algae wafers do you feed them? (Per Week)

Cheers :good:

You also use spinach cheap, and tropical shrimps love it. try this post here if will give you more infomation.
There is a very detailed species profile on cherry shrimps which should give you most of the information you need to know.

I used to feed mine boiled spinach, green beans, dandylion leaves, etc...... Gotten lazy lately :lol: Make sure the veggies are free from chemicals. They also enjoy the occasional frozen bloodworms and brineshrimps. It's difficult to tell you how much to feed them. You'll just have to judge accordingly. Anything that's not eaten within a few hours or overnight should be taken out IMHO. It's better to underfeed than overfeed. They will always find algae and microfood amongst plants and stuff.
I used to give my RCS a few cooked corn kernels, and they really seemed to like that.
haha, yea... i have fed them blood worms a few times. I give them my community tank as a treat if you like, then I always save a few and plop them in the shrimp tank.

I guess i'll go by the guide line of "feed what will be eaten in 5 hours" ... no is that daily or every other day do you think? :blink:
haha, yea... i have fed them blood worms a few times. I give them my community tank as a treat if you like, then I always save a few and plop them in the shrimp tank.

I guess i'll go by the guide line of "feed what will be eaten in 5 hours" ... no is that daily or every other day do you think? :blink:
been feeding mine decapsulated brine shrimp they love it
I guess i'll go by the guide line of "feed what will be eaten in 5 hours" ... no is that daily or every other day do you think? :blink:

I'd feed daily but then I'd feel guilty that they were hungry haha. To be honest it's really up to you, see how they go and change if it's not working so well

hahah, that's why I feed them a small ammount daily... I have a soft spot for them and think they go hungry :rolleyes: ... even though they probably don't!

I'm going to take a trip to my LFS tomorrow as i'm nearly out of blood worm for my other tank, so i'll see what other foods they have there I could pick up.

I'm going to try a pea today... heard they work well :hyper:

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