Red Cherry Shrimp - Breeding Saddle


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Ok I have an easy question, I think I know the answer I'd just like someone to confirm if I am right.

It is only the female shrimp who get the white "saddle" behind their head isn't it? and it is their eggs in their ovaries?

The reason I ask is because I bought 5 cherry shrimp a month or so ago and I was reading about breeding them and it mentioned the "saddle". All of my 5 have the 'saddle' - I think its just a fluke that I managed to get 5 females. I am going to get another 5 soon; how can a none expert tell the difference between the sexes?

Males are duller in colour, they have thinner tails (although I won't be able to see in the pet shop for this), they are generally smaller? Is there anything else? - again I ask because all of mine are small (I guess they are young-ish), so I could be getting a young female instead of a male, and one of my females is clear in colour, so I don't want to base my guesses on those two things if possible.

Thank you :)
it should be clear by the colouring. the male will be almost clear with a few biys of red and the female will be nearly all red depending on the quality of the shrimps.
Yes, the saddle is the eggs in the ovaries, which the saddle will get bigger in size and then the next thing you know, the females carrying eggs. It is hard to look for a male, seeing as how it could be a juvenile female, but one would think that if you bought another lot of five cherries, there SHOULD be a male in their.

Good Luck.

Also, I've noticed as my cherries keep on breeding the offspring lose more of the red pigment. I assume this is due to inbreeding, but I could be wrong. However, I do plan on buying a couple of new cherries to strengthen the bloodlines and see if that helps.
You would think so Ashemely haha. I knew 4 were female and the last one I wasn't sure as but it's developing a saddle now. I can see their eggs getting bigger in their ovaries. I'm hopefully going to get another 5 shrimp this weekend *fingers crossed for a male* haha

That is quite interesting you saying about them loosing the red pigment. I'd have thought some would get lighter and some would stay nice and red. IF I get a male I might be able to comment hehe.

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