Red Cherry Barb Killing Other Fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2013
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So i have around 4 or 5 red cherry shrimp and have 4 female fighting fish and 1 male fighting fish. The tank was fine and all fish was getting on then the male fighting fish suddely died ( no bite marks or anything ) so know  i have noticed since the male fighting fish has been out of the tank the red cherry fish have been chasing my other fish around the tank. I have lost a female fighting fish which has a biten tail and now i have noticed they are chasing another female fighting fish.
Are they normaly like this  in tanks??
The tank is a 6 x 2 x  2 tank so they have a lot of room.
I have kept these fish many times over the years and never known them to be bullies. They do seem to prefer a well planted tank and will spawn even in a community tank.
nicky1200 said:
So i have around 4 or 5 red cherry shrimp and have 4 female fighting fish and 1 male fighting fish. The tank was fine and all fish was getting on then the male fighting fish suddely died ( no bite marks or anything ) so know  i have noticed since the male fighting fish has been out of the tank the red cherry fish have been chasing my other fish around the tank. I have lost a female fighting fish which has a biten tail and now i have noticed they are chasing another female fighting fish.
Are they normaly like this  in tanks??
The tank is a 6 x 2 x  2 tank so they have a lot of room.
They are barbs. known for nippiness. Well your stocking was bad to begin with, you dont put longfinned fish with barbs. They will nip at them. And I dont think your barbs killed them. It was stress that was also caused by the barbs. I say get a better stocking and rehome the bettas
Barbs should be kept in a far larger school (males and females) and to my believe at far cooler temps than Bettas.
Agree with @DderpPH
nicky1200 said:
So i have around 4 or 5 red cherry shrimp and have 4 female fighting fish and 1 male fighting fish. The tank was fine and all fish was getting on then the male fighting fish suddely died ( no bite marks or anything ) so know  i have noticed since the male fighting fish has been out of the tank the red cherry fish have been chasing my other fish around the tank. I have lost a female fighting fish which has a biten tail and now i have noticed they are chasing another female fighting fish.
Are they normaly like this  in tanks??
The tank is a 6 x 2 x  2 tank so they have a lot of room.
Is this thread about barbs or shrimp? the OP has called it barbs but then talks about shrimp which are completely different.
Think it's about barbs. Has there ever being a suspecion on Cherry Shrimp killing fish ??? hahahaha. But you're right for noticing !!!

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