Red carpet boyz


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
Sorry about the glass reflection, but here's Dameon(the purple male) with our new half yellow/red leopard male


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Beautiful Guupies!!!
How about the name Gemini for your Lyretail (the twins because of the split tail)
I will have to look into having my lfs ordering me one. That is neat!
:D Beautiful guppies! I love their colors! :wub:

I just received 4 male and 7 female guppies from the fish breeder for free! :hyper:
Hi snowyangel :)

Dameon is gorgeous, but my favorite has got to be the lyretail. They are my favorites of all the kinds of guppies. :thumbs:
For free Sasha?? I could beat that offer with the amount of fry i have, lol. I'll give you the buy 10 get 50 FREE deal :nod:
Thanx for the compliment Inchworm, i too adore lyretails and had to get one. I've heard people say mine is a double lyretailed guppy, not to sure myself but whatever.
;) Your guppy fry must be beautiful! It's hard to pick my favorite guppy. . .they are all beautiful! I've never seen a guppy in purple! :hyper:

:) My friend, who is a fish breeder, gave me 25 fish for free including guppies, platies and mollies. Her tank was overstocked, so that's the main reason why she gave them to me.
Sasha said:
;) Your guppy fry must be beautiful! It's hard to pick my favorite guppy. . .they are all beautiful! I've never seen a guppy in purple! :hyper:
Thanx for the comments sasha. I love Dameons purple colours as well :wub: They're all one happy family. As for the fry, we're getting amazing colours showing up in them every day. We're getting greens, yellow, half blacks, and pastel colours that we dont even know came from :lol:
Here's one of our half silver/yellow fry :D


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