Red Belly Corys...?


Sep 19, 2005
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Hi Guys n Gals

just back from town and was looking for some shrimp and looking at other fish :) saw some nice corys, peppered and bronze. I noticed that on the bellys of the peppered corys it was like red. Where their fins met their bellys was pinkie :S is that a bad sign? or is it because they are digging about on gravle? The pet shop is closing down so i dont think they are really looking after they fish that much :( maybe feeding and thats it. one of the corys was in a tank with some kind of cichlid and they were about 5~6 inchs and they bronze cory was about an inch and he was swimming with them all in the mid to upper area... looked kool but i think i was told that means its dieing for O2? If its bad news ill let them know next time im in,

did it look like this?

if so it is perfectly normal for a bronze cory.

img link taken from here
no, its more where the fins meet the body, and round those areas and it was mostly on the peppered corys
Hi CluelessScot :)

I don't like the sound of that. I don't think C. paleatus (peppered corys) are supposed to have red in that place. I would suspect they are coming down with a bacterial infection. From the sound of it, they are not taking very good care of their fish. :/ I wonder why they are closed in the first place. :unsure:

If you buy any fish from them when they reopen, be prepared to quarantine them and medicate them if necessary.
I thought it mite be a bacterial infection or just where they have been rbbing on the stones or something, it looks sore really :( The shops closing because the woman who owns it is moving away to spain... i over heard her saying that one of the guys that works there has bought it and will be taking over and the guy she was telling that to asked if it would be the same as it is now and she said nope, alot better :crazy: Its a small shop with a room for fish, a room for hamster,gerbils, birds and things like that and a room with a till and they are all reallllly small rooms. She was selling off all her stuff at cost price so i bought some bogwood for £1 lol wish i had more money cos the tanks, filters, heaters ect were all marked way down too... She said she has sold alot on ebay too but i cant find anything from around here on ebay :X if im in on friday ill ask about the corys and if they aint bothered then ill know why they are in bad shape :(


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