Hi Guys n Gals
just back from town and was looking for some shrimp and looking at other fish saw some nice corys, peppered and bronze. I noticed that on the bellys of the peppered corys it was like red. Where their fins met their bellys was pinkie is that a bad sign? or is it because they are digging about on gravle? The pet shop is closing down so i dont think they are really looking after they fish that much maybe feeding and thats it. one of the corys was in a tank with some kind of cichlid and they were about 5~6 inchs and they bronze cory was about an inch and he was swimming with them all in the mid to upper area... looked kool but i think i was told that means its dieing for O2? If its bad news ill let them know next time im in,
just back from town and was looking for some shrimp and looking at other fish saw some nice corys, peppered and bronze. I noticed that on the bellys of the peppered corys it was like red. Where their fins met their bellys was pinkie is that a bad sign? or is it because they are digging about on gravle? The pet shop is closing down so i dont think they are really looking after they fish that much maybe feeding and thats it. one of the corys was in a tank with some kind of cichlid and they were about 5~6 inchs and they bronze cory was about an inch and he was swimming with them all in the mid to upper area... looked kool but i think i was told that means its dieing for O2? If its bad news ill let them know next time im in,