Red Bellied Newts


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2008
Reaction score
Wisconsin, United States
Hey guys,

Just wanted to give a heads up that I introduced 2 red-bellied newts into my tank on Thursday. So far everything seems to be going great, as no fish have tried to go after them :). Wanted to make a post because it doesn't seem like too many people have tried introducing them to the tank they have.
i think theyre meant to have some sort of land to get out on
Yup...that's correct. I have two floating docks set up for them. I asked at my LFS whether or not they were Chinese or Japanese, and of course, she had no idea. But by the looks of it, they are Chinese being that they rarely ever come out of the water.
i think theyre meant to have some sort of land to get out on
Those newts can live a very long time actually. I have a male that is currently 11 years old, but I heard they can live as long as 25 years!!! You might be enjoying them for a long time. :good:
Really?! Wow...that's kind of cool :) you have yours set up similar to mine, where you have them in a tank with fish and just have some floating objects for them to get out of the water? Or did you set up a tank specifically for them?
Those newts can live a very long time actually. I have a male that is currently 11 years old, but I heard they can live as long as 25 years!!! You might be enjoying them for a long time. :good:
I only have 1 newt in a 10 gallon aquarium. He is alone, no other animals with him. He has a few rocks submerged to rub off his shedding skin, or to rest on them right below the surface so he doesnt have to swim to get a breath of air. He also has a huge rock island (which underwater has a hole to be a cave too) so he can come out of the water if he chooses too and the rock is smooth not rough.

Newts usually like plants in the tank to rest on and caves to hide underwater, and they need land too.
Sorry to bump an old thread.

But what fish have you kept with them?

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