Recue Attempts


Fish Fanatic
Nov 14, 2003
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Okay, so I was at the lps today when my attention was averted over to the bettas (of course) I was looking them over, oohing and awing over the pretty colors, and checking out that pet stores smaller tank prices. There were several bettas in tanks with other fish for sale, so I headed over there and looked at them. While I was browsing I saw a new, younger worker netting some of the fish and moving them to another tank. I wasn't paying any attention to her until a fish hit the ground and she cursed. Then I looked and saw that the wiggling fish was a female betta. The worker picked her up and tossed her into the trash can. I immediately called out and explained that the fish was still alive so the worker looks at me blankly, and then asks if I want the fish. I nodded quickly and watched as she picked the betta up and dropped her into a bag and then tied it up.
The betta seemed stunned at first, and then acted normal. Luckily I had an extra tank at home, so I released her into it. She seemed fine, so I went to eat dinner. When I came upstairs to check on her [and the other fish: I bought another female and some more freeze dried bloodworms (yummy) :lol:] she was swimming awkwardly. I waited to see if she could right herself again, but she did not, and a little bit later she seemed panicky, and I hadn't seen her go up for air...
I moved her into a smaller cup, one that's only a little bit bigger than the cups you usually see males in, so she wouldn't have to swim that much to the surface. It was the only thing I could think of. Couldn't she have brain damage or paralysis? Or at least major bruising? She'll swim all over like a normal fish, but then she'll go up and breath heavily at the surface for periods much longer than I've seen any betta do (She does this repeatedly). Occasionally after she gets a breath she'll relax until she starts to sink and then repeat the process all over again. And as if things weren't bad enough the female decided to jump out of the cup as I write this... I had just taken off the lid to see if she'd eat (she didn't). Also, her tail and fins are kind of split and spiky (I don't know how to explain how it looks). I am not sure if she has been picked on in the tank at the pet store or if she might be crown tail... can anyone tell me how I can know the difference in this girl?

Any thoughts or suggestions will defiantly be appreciated! I'm trying not to get too attatched, but I really hope this one makes it :wub: :byebye:
Aww gosh. Good for you for saving her... even if she doesn't make it. At least she didn't have to suffocate in the trash can, poor gal. " :angry: " at that stupid pet store worker... goodness sakes, common sense lady. Anyways, she may have damaged her swim bladder which can cause some problems with bouyancy and swimming. She's also probably just extremely stressed, have you added some Stress Coat or anything to her water? As for the fins, she could be a crowntail. They don't have splits though, just seemingly longer spikes in an orderly pattern. If you look around you might be able to find a pic. Good luck, I really hope she makes it, and if not, her remaining days were way better than a trashcan.
i really think you should complain to the owner of that shop or write a letter.
(not that it would probably do anything :sad:)
That worker shouldn't be allowed near fish if they treat them like that!
i hope she does make it though. You did a great thing taking her home.
:dunno: This fish is going to drive me crazy! :lol:
I have some stuff like the stress coat you speak of, and I used that as soon as I put her in. Obviosly she's a jumper, because I caught her trying it again, but there was a lid in the way. :rolleyes: She seemed to be doing better and was swimming normal so I put her into a bigger tank with my other female, smaller than the one she was in when I first brought her home, but bigger than that dumb cup. She seemed perfectly fine, and chased my other female around a little :blink: Some time between 10a, and 6pm (I was at work then) she jumped again. I have lids on all my aquariums, but the tank that she's in has a divider, and on the other side of the divider is my male betta (Puppy!). Somehow she jumped over the divider, and Puppy obviosly gave her a run for her money. When I finally came home she was somehow stuck between the divider and the tanks glass, wedged in the corner, and probably got stuck running away from the male. It was the wierdest thing I have ever seen! :alien: She was stuck so that if she stretched her head up she could get a breath because she was near the surface, but couldn't get herself out. I moved the divider easily and she was free, but her tail is toatally torn up which makes her swimming "labored." So it was back to the cup. I swear this fish just wants to get me worked up... its working 8)

My mom wants me to take her back to the pet store, but I won't. I already went back and spoke with the manager (I had to get seleant crap for a free tank that I'm moving the zebra danios into because its bigger, for christmas :santa:), and he told me that the worker already wasn't aloud to be near the fish due to a previous incident. :shifty:

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