Recovering From Planaria Infestation


Fish Herder
Mar 19, 2013
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I just cleaned me tank to rid planaria! I boiled my rocks! My gravel was boiled and rinsed with hot water! Did i do the right thing?
My pix of rebuilding will be posted
What size tank? Do you have fish? Is the tank cycled?
Depending on these questions, I'd keep an eye out for an ammonia spike.
no you did not do the right thing, you NEVER boil rocks!
they can explode and take your head off! no exaggeration!
Ok... Thanks! My tank is about 47 gallons with 3 peacock cichlids and small clown loaches

Oh and my filter media is still there! The old ones in my old filter! Is that ok? I always have 2 filters just in case!
I currently have a power head and a sping filter! The spong filter is for failure of the powerhead! I sort of put them out the tank when I killed those pesky buggers! :) Anyway was putting boiling water on my gravel a good thing?

Sorry I meant sponge filter!
44 gallons! I dot really know the dimensios..
Sorry, I missed your earlier reply about the size of the tank.
You said the sponge filter is there in case the powerhead fails. That should be the other way around. You should have a filter running to take care of the bacteria to kill the ammonia and nitrites.
Did you cycle this tank? How long have you had it? 
As Mikey said, you should never boil rocks, but pouring boiling water on them or gravel is a good way to disinfect, so long as the rocks/gravel are not in the tank at the time you do it.
Have you added everything back in the tank now? How are things looking? Fish acting normally?
My powerhead actually has a filter compartment with bio balls and a filter spong! I have had the tank for about 2 years! :) first time this happened!
Nope! I havent yet since my water is still cloudy!
You could probably add some filter floss to the filter/powerhead to clear up the water faster.
Yeah... Anyway Im starting to add the rocks! Myine are slate and some round ones! Any Ideas on the scape?
Hard to see what you're working with if you don't have photos. 
Sorry my cam is charging now! Ill try to past asap! But since Im in asia and its about 1 an here how does later sound? My substrate is fine gravel and i have several large slabs of slate and smooth stones plus branches!
Im workin on a cave scape! :)
Sounds good. We'll look forward to photos. Now go get some sleep.  

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