Yeah thats a lot...
Most cleanup crews have astrea or turbo snails, cerith snails, nassarius snails, and nerite snails. Some people have crabs, some don't. I personally have never had a problem with my hermit crabs or emerald crab, and I have scarlet hermits and white tip hermits. I also have a fighting conch which is GREAT for diatoms. He eats all of it. I had a serpent starfish as well and they are good scavengers. I would avoid linkias, stick to brittle stars or serpent stars.
I wouldn't consider shrimp part of the clean up crew, mine just hung out under a rock all day.
Some things to avoid are margarita crabs (not tropical), mexican turbos (not tropical), coral banded shrimp (in a small tank they might ambush small fish), and crabs other than hermits and emeralds (like arrow crabs)
Also, it's important to know what eat animal eats...
In my experience:
astrea - mostly hair algae - rocks/glass
turbo - mostly hair algae - rocks/glass
cerith - mostly stuff off the glass
nassarius - only come put when I feed, but they get everything
nerite - mostly off the glass
hermits - they pretty much eat everything, but they prefer meat
emerald crab - hair and bubble algae from the rocks
Those are just my experiences, some people might have snails that eat something else....