Recommendations For Another School Of Fish?


New Member
May 18, 2006
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Portland, Oregon
I was just curious what you guys would suggest for another school of fish to go with my 6 black skirts. The middle and top areas of my 55g looks a little bare with just the black skirts swimming around. I am leaning towards a school of rummynose tetras, but what is another school that would get along with the black skirts and make a good contrast? And how large of a school should I get so that it won't be too crowded?
I'd get a few more black skirts... when I had a school of 12 they looked really awesome...

Other then them... if you're looking for some color maybe go with neons? I'm a fan of penguin tetra.. but they're not very colorful..
Where are you located? I think you should get 5 more black widdows (only because I have 5 for sale). I'll do you them very cheap if your interested!

here's a helpful list that i came up with if you're in the tetra biss.

Cardinal tetra
Glow Light tetra
Roseline sharks
Neon tetra

And that's all i know of. it's what my new tank will consist of for contrast shoaling o_o
Thanks for all of your suggestions. What do you guys think about the rummynose tetras? I might consider the glowlights or the roseline sharks, but i heard that the sharks are a little difficult to keep. The cardinals or neons should add some good color as well. I will have to go visit all LFS again to check on their stock.

And Neal, thanks for your offer, but I am in the US.
the sharks are difficult to keep because they need a shoal and they're $30 a piece. Kinda outta most price ranges. And rummynose's are the most commonly seen ones with the roselines. But yes, i suggust rummy too.
I was looking at a small school of roseline sharks at a LFS. They looked awesome, but yeah I did notice that they were being sold for $35 each. Way out of my price range. I ended up getting all the harlequin rasboras they had instead after I decided that I wanted a school of fish with some red. They are working well in my tank.
I would say get some barbs if you can have them (nothing with elegant finnage if you have barbs though). I have a shoal of 5 tiger barbs (one died :() and they look great.
well black skirts are a community fish so i would put them with another community fish of the tetra family. i would recamend black tetras they look great with black skirts and they are a community fish, so they will acctully swim in one big shcool with them :p

and also i would put about 5 in the tank with them
I was considering some tiger barbs, but I have 2 paradise fish that they would probably love to go after. I haven't seen black tetras at any of the LFSs. Even though they won't offer a contrasting color I can imagine that they would look great with the black skirts. I think I have completed stocking my tank for now. Take a look at my signature, it's not overstocked is it?
if you can find them there is a tetra which i pressume is a albino form of the black skirt tetra called white skirt tetras they would look good :drool:
you could look into a congo tetra but they're rather xpsnv! how bout hatchet fish/corys?

btw you could try getting both the standard and the green variety of the tiger barb....they look really nice in a shoal. but for sheer beauty, cardinal tetras rule! ;)
I have tigers with my long finned rosy barbs and they don't bother them at all. Of course the key is to have a big enough shoal of tigers. I have 9, a mix of green, blushing, and albino, and have some black ruby barbs growing out to join them soon. :) The mix of colors is lovely and they all shoal together.

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