Recommendations For A Newly Cycled Tank


Fish Herder
Feb 1, 2005
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could people recommend corys to put into a newly cycled tank,or am i restricting my options by this,am i better waiting until the tank is more mature,to give myself more options?

Patience (and water changes) seem to be the fish keepers friend.

I kicked off with some pepper corys - seem quite forgiving.
I would have to agree with Stoneagedinosaur about patience; it's always best to let the tank mature a little before adding Cories since most of them are quite delicate fish. But if you didn't want to wait, Peppered and Bronze cories are fairly hardy from what I know of. I would ask Inchworm, Harlequins, Lilacami931, Coryologist, Mattlee, and the others who know so much more than me though lol Good luck! :)
I would have to agree with Stoneagedinosaur about patience; it's always best to let the tank mature a little before adding Cories since most of them are quite delicate fish. But if you didn't want to wait, Peppered and Bronze cories are fairly hardy from what I know of. I would ask Inchworm, Harlequins, Lilacami931, Coryologist, Mattlee, and the others who know so much more than me though lol Good luck! :)

That's has go to be one of the biggest misconceptions around at the moment, cory's are far from delicate fish. If i was to set up a tank, cycle it and then add fish, from my experience they would be one of the first fish to go in... apart from a few of the ones that do seem to enjoy a better established tank panda's and probably very young juveniles like 4-5 months and below.

Most cory's seems to literally withstand everything thrown at them including alot of diseases, ive also found from many people including myself that cory's tend to be the last fish to go when people have serious problems within there tanks, Making them far from as delicate as people do think.

To the OP apart from panda's i would say as long as your tank is DEFINILEY cycled then go ahead and add them. Good choice would be the bronze or albino simply from my experience they with stand anything if you tank does happen to have a mini-cycle glitch.
Hi scotty :)

If we are agreed that a cycled tank has readings of 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and some nitrate showing, then the tank is good to go for most corys. If this has achieved by dumping chemicals in I'd probably avoid adding C. pandas, any of the dwarf species, and any expensive wild caught ones that would be hard to replace. If it is cycled by cloning (adding media from another tank) I would, and do, use it immediately, whenever the need arises.

What matters is that there must be enough beneficial bacteria in the tank to process all the waste products they produce. It doesn't matter how they got there.
thanks very much for the info,hopefully i am on my qualafying week at the moment,but time will tell

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