Recommendation on a snail or three


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Pet of the Month 🎖️
May 19, 2022
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Somewhere in space... Wyoming for mail.
20 gallon cube with an average PH of 6.2-6.4 and heavily planted, gravel substrate with dual under gravel filter plates and a built in sponge filter pushing 93 gallons per hour. Total water cycling is probably in the area of 140-160 gallons per hour.

I like snails and would be totally happy if I could keep pond/bladder snails but that is not possible as my cichlids eat them like popcorn while watching a movie.

I guess I'm looking for a 'medium' sized snail species that like a low PH and are large enough that 1 12 - 1 3/4 inch cichlids can't hurt. I don't think my rope fish is a factor as, when the bladder snails were prolific, he didn't seem interested. The cichlids were added later and within a week I had no snails. The cichlids are near mature size; a couple may even be totally mature.

I want something large enough to be safe as to the cichlids yet not large enough to totally dominate the tank appearance. I guess I'm looking at something in the area of 1-1 1/4 inch as to shell size, possibly a little larger. I don't think it would be a major factor if the snail were to be prolific breeders as the cichlids would probably just eat the offspring.

I would also like the snail to be 'pretty'. Pretty can be either colors or shell patterns. I would like them to be interesting to see but not take over the tank as to appearance.

If I'm not asking for the impossible I would appreciate ANY suggestions.
Nerite? They should be big enough that the cichlids won't be able to hurt them. Not much sticks out of the shell either.
I guess its what you think is small.
My pond snails only grow to be less than a centimeter long.
I thought that Nerite snails were smaller. Just did a quick search and see the are in the area of an inch when mature. They could be a possibility but I would probably need mature snails. Thanks. :)
Just looked at Dan's Fish, my local supplier, and they are out of stock on most snails but do have 2 different rabbit snails that look interesting but but the pictures look like they extend a lot out of their shells which would make my cichlids a danger. Cool looking beasties but probably not a good choice even though delivery size is ~1.5 inches and seem to do fine with a gravel substrate. Would also probably need to add crushed shells to support their shells. Hmmm, I wonder if just crunching up left over cuttlefish bones for my bird would work for this... ? Regardless, probably not a good choice considering my cichlids. Still they are cool looking snails!


20 gallon cube with an average PH of 6.2-6.4 and heavily planted, gravel substrate with dual under gravel filter plates and a built in sponge filter pushing 93 gallons per hour. Total water cycling is probably in the area of 140-160 gallons per hour.

I like snails and would be totally happy if I could keep pond/bladder snails but that is not possible as my cichlids eat them like popcorn while watching a movie.

I guess I'm looking for a 'medium' sized snail species that like a low PH and are large enough that 1 12 - 1 3/4 inch cichlids can't hurt. I don't think my rope fish is a factor as, when the bladder snails were prolific, he didn't seem interested. The cichlids were added later and within a week I had no snails. The cichlids are near mature size; a couple may even be totally mature.

I want something large enough to be safe as to the cichlids yet not large enough to totally dominate the tank appearance. I guess I'm looking at something in the area of 1-1 1/4 inch as to shell size, possibly a little larger. I don't think it would be a major factor if the snail were to be prolific breeders as the cichlids would probably just eat the offspring.

I would also like the snail to be 'pretty'. Pretty can be either colors or shell patterns. I would like them to be interesting to see but not take over the tank as to appearance.

If I'm not asking for the impossible I would appreciate ANY suggestions.
maybe try apple snail? they maybe small at first but they can reach up to 6inches high. but not so sure tho. I have never kept cichlids.

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