recomend some fish


New Member
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hi, I've got a 15 gallon tank and I'm looking to add 1 or 2 more fish. I currently have 3 dwarf gourami, 1 female fighter, 1 tiger barb, and 2 platties.

Anyone got any ideas?

i have an idea.

take the lone tiger barb back to the lfs he really should not be on his own and you wont have room for a decent sized group. then maybe some very small tetras like neons... that will be you tank full then.
also im not to sure about the female betta with the gouramis.. anyone else got an opinion on this?
i know nothing about betas i cant stand them.
I don't have bettas either but I think female (and often males) are fine in community set-ups.

I agree with gixon about the lone tiger barb, they like to be in groups and can be more aggressive alone or in small groups.

How about some otos or cories? You don't seen to have anything on the bottom level of your tanks and IMO it's good to have a mix of top/middle/bottom dwelling fish to help against overcrowding.

Both otos and cories like to be kept in groups of 3+ and otos only get to 1.5" but like live plants. They will be very helpful with algae control too ;). COries usually get a bit bigger, some up to 3" so you'd want to avoid those ones. You could get a group of pygmy cories?

i have got 4 tigers in my tank and they nibble the fins of other fish u really need to get about 6 tigers so they mind there own business
I would definitely get rid of the tiger barb. Take it back to the store and exchange it or get credit for what you want. The tiger barb will nip at fins and stress the fish an you...good luck. ;)
everyone makes mistakes and im sure everyone here has made loads when the first started ( i know i did).thats the beauty of forums though. people can warn others about mistakes they once made. its people that dont listen to good advice given to them that are wrong...

i nearly bough columbian shark catfish for my 55g once :nod: luckily i decided to reaseach a little first though ;)

i shouldnt admit to things like that :lol:

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