Reccomend Me Some Corys (Please)


Fish Crazy
Nov 4, 2008
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I have a 125L tank, I'd like to fill it with Corys and have a couple of community fish too.

What are the easiest Corys to breed?

What fish would be compatible with a succesful breeding project?
Bronze are probably the easiest, but many of the commonly available species are not in any way challenging. Breeding can usually be triggered by good care and a water change with cool water.
Okay cool, are the babies likely to survive or will they get picked off by the other Corys?

I quite like the emerald green Corys.

How easy are they to sex and how big do they need to be before breeding?

P.S sorry for all the Questions :lol:
They are not easy to sex, mostly you can only tell by a difference in body shape (females are more plump). In general you take a group for breeding of about 6. Normally, but depending upon the species, they need to be at least around 2 - 2.5 cms before they are mature enough to breed.
Bronze cory are prolific breeders - mine dont stop! You will need a breeders net for them as they will be a tasty snack for your corys and other community fish.
bronze are easy to breed.
but the eggs will get eaten by parents and other fish.

i cannot comment about keeping with other fish as mine are in a cory only tank. but soon i will have otos also hoping to breed them.

but your best bet would be neons as they are small and look awsome in a big group about 20
I know somebody selling 7 3inch Sterbai's for £20, which compared to shop prices is a good price, are they easy to breed though? I could always stick 3 Bronze in there with them.
Bronze cories. Cardinal tetras can be kept with them. If you want fast fish,pristella tetras are good.Make sure you have something to raise the fry in.Ram cichlids are peacful and grow to 2 inches.I have 2 bolivian rams in a 10 gallon.
[...]Ram cichlids are peacful and grow to 2 inches.I have 2 bolivian rams in a 10 gallon.
That is very much incorrect: blue rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) grow to 2-3 inches, Bolivian rams (M. altispinosus) grow to 4 inches (although well looked after ones will grow to 5-6 inches). A 10 gallon aquarium is most definitely not suitable for Bolivian rams; because of their adult size, they require one which is at least 3ft in length.
Hi timmyboynorwich :)

I usually suggest either bronze or albino C. aeneus to first time breeders. If you read this article that was written by one of our members, it will give you some idea about what's involved. If you deciede to continue, we'll all be happy to help.

If you have corys, it's best to forget about keeping cichlids in the same tank.
The book i read must have been wrong than.It said German blue rams get 2 inches,not3. Thanks for telling me about my bolivian rams. I will move them to my 35 gallon once they get too big. :good:
I'd love to see a 5/6 inch bolivian, never seen one that big in a tank.
The book i read must have been wrong than.It said German blue rams get 2 inches,not3. Thanks for telling me about my bolivian rams. I will move them to my 35 gallon once they get too big. :good:
They are more likely to grow to their full size if you move them before they are 1 inch long.

I'd love to see a 5/6 inch bolivian, never seen one that big in a tank.
The easiest place to see them that size is the Berlin Zoo Aquarium. But if you can find anyone who keeps them in 500+ litre aquarium, they are very likely to have reached that size by the time they are adult.. but most people don't think them worthy of a tank that big.

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