Rebuilding a tank


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
i have a 10 gallon tank that had some leaks. after much searching we were not able to pinpoint just where the leaks were so we decided to dismantle it and reseal all the sides and what not. well, my boyfriend was helping me and as he was separating the old seal of two pieces, one of the panels, the front one, broke. so now i'm looking to buy replacement glass. what do you all recommend? can i just buy regular old glass from the hardware store (of the correct thickness of course) or does aquarium glass have to be tempered some special way that would differ from say window glass or heavy duty frame glass..........
is it difficult to put the pieces back together? will i need any special equipment to make sure it goes back together properly?
if this endevour will cost much, then i'll probably just scrap it and buy a new one (since they're pretty cheap to begin with), but just wanted to see what my options were.
the best glass to use is just normal NEW glass. I say new because glass becomes weaker as it gets older. don't get toughened glass cos this will withstand a sudden impact but dosn't do very well with coping with constant high pressure for long periods of time.

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