Reb Bee Shrimp


New Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Hi there,
I come from Hong Kong.
They are my CRS
Enjoy it.



Wow those are some NICE CRS,
i take it you have them breeding?
I`m considering some of these for a nano tank i`ll be setting up some time in the future.
Some CRS and some species of microrasbora. should look VERY pretty. how easy are they to look after?
Wow that's awesome! We just don't get quality like that here in the UK :drool:
Bloody hell it looks like the toon army on derby day having a go at the makems (Newcastle United vs Sunderland AFC) for non football fans.

Exellent shrimp there bud.. :good:
:drool: Stunning! CRS are too expensive for me up here so i'm going with tiger shrimp instead, but colour wise nothing compares to those CRS :drool: .
I've seen some of those shrimps in town for £1.99 each, but they were just called black and white shrimps, they didnt have the red ones, they are gorgeous....

Anyone got anymore info on them?

Excellent pics by the way...... They are very stunning
Yes, i would like to know too...but are you sure many shrimp would survive that far? Wouldn't the death rate be too big?
Reason i ask is I'm only looking for enough for a planted nano so i wouldn't be buying in big quantities..

Still, I'm very interested :) .
I'd be interested too, although i'm not sure how well they would travel. People have difficulty posting them even within the same country.

Dont the red breed with the black shrimp? Or is that how you get better red/white colours ?
Ooooooooooooooh, i've just been on the website-look at all the pretty shimp :drool: .
Those 'Black Crystal Shrimp' you posted in the first post are amazing too, i had never seen them before :D .

I even found a link for videos of those shrimp :drool: .
Beautiful shrimp, yeah it does look like a football game. Great video three Fingers. I have some in a five-gallon tank for a couple of months now, they are C or B grade (not so well defined red and white bands)that seems to be all that’s available in the UK still. They don’t seem as difficult or sensitive as I had expected or read. Four females are carrying eggs one for about three weeks so hopefully some babies in a week or so. They prefer fairly soft water, a slightly acidic PH and temps of 22-25, clean well cycled tank and water. They like moss they don’t eat it, but pick invisible food off it and are constantly eating something. I feed them all kinds of veg, I think they prefer Brussels sprouts and spinach they eat gold fish food, crab food just about anything it seems. They are constantly pooing but I put very little food in the tank; about enough to feed a guppy. Great little critters, I feel a new addiction developing. They cost me £3.50 each at the LFS
Tips for those in general: Take care buying from an unknown seller. Also - quality & grading of this shrimp varies immensely. Understand that (when breeding) only a very small proportion is actually of good grading quality.

Shipping into the UK is illegal unless going through DEFRA with correct red tape paperwork. Expect a fairly high death rate on such long distance shipping - despite courier. Normal airmail shipping would result in dead shrimp.

There are many shops in the UK you could buy this shrimp - though admittedly not the above quality. That said - most people won't be able to afford (or willing to spend) the higher quality anyway.

For more info, see:

Grading & prices (scroll right down for prices!!)
more grading and prices

I know this really doesn't compare to the above great photos - but in case people are interested in more local shrimp, these were £3.95 each here in London.


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