Beautiful shrimp, yeah it does look like a football game. Great video three Fingers. I have some in a five-gallon tank for a couple of months now, they are C or B grade (not so well defined red and white bands)that seems to be all that’s available in the UK still. They don’t seem as difficult or sensitive as I had expected or read. Four females are carrying eggs one for about three weeks so hopefully some babies in a week or so. They prefer fairly soft water, a slightly acidic PH and temps of 22-25, clean well cycled tank and water. They like moss they don’t eat it, but pick invisible food off it and are constantly eating something. I feed them all kinds of veg, I think they prefer Brussels sprouts and spinach they eat gold fish food, crab food just about anything it seems. They are constantly pooing but I put very little food in the tank; about enough to feed a guppy. Great little critters, I feel a new addiction developing. They cost me £3.50 each at the LFS