Hi everyone,im fairly new to tropical fish,i have had a 20 uk gall tank for a while and have just started stocking a 20 gall tropical tank.As i have been looking through the fish guids i came across the male betta what a beautifull fish.I really really want one.I have a 10 gall tank which i set up to cycle nearlly a week ago but from the stuff i have read on Bettas it doesnt say much about cycling the tank for them or the water chemistry thing?Is it me that has missed something or dont they need a cycled tank? If this is the case could i get one and put it in before the cycling has finished?Also is there anything i could eventually put in with him,i had wonderd about a couple of little corys or maybe 4 or 5 Danios? Any advice would be great if you can help.
Thanx Sue
Thanx Sue