Really Upset


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I dont know what happened tonight as for the first time in months we went out. Fed fish before I left and all were fine, came home and found my male Ellioti dead!! absolutely no idea why, no signs of any illness, but a bit battered on his body, but fins all intact. The only thing was his vent was out so I am guessing the pair must have spawned but no sign of any eggs and the female is hiding so I cant see hers. The only thing I can think is all hell must have broken loose tonight while we were out with them spawning. My servs are under their log and appear ok but wont come out, the RTBS has a couple of scales missing and the nics seem ok and the firemouth seems ok. He was a really big male just under 6" long, the only ones bigger than him were the servs.

Not going out again !
Dang, sucks. I guess the two Ellioti had an angry moment in bed and both went berserk. I say that there was a massive fight between the Ellioti and everyone else and the male lost(his life). What are RTBs
Sorry to hear that, RIP :(

Could have been the female, but its usually the male who harrasses the female (least that was my experience with the my Aureus pair).

Any aggression with the Nics at all? They (again IME) can be brutal. I wouldnt imagine it was the Sev's.

@SBL, RTS, is red tail shark.
Sorry to hear about your male Ellioti :sad:, I agree with Minxfishy it is usually the male doing the bullying, I also have a pair of Ellioti and have just had to seperate them because the male has beat up the female brutally.

Could it not be the Sevs if they have bred and are guarding? My largest Sev has just started to stand up to the male Ellioti (who thinks he is boss of the tank) this morning and put him in his place.
Hiya Mags. The nics are only about 3" and usually keep well out of the way. The female Ellioti is only small she is not much bigger than the firemouth, but the firemouth this morning is worrying me she is really pale and hiding in the plants and the female Ellioti is also still hiding. I am wondering if both ladies decided they wanted a bit at the same time and harrassed him to death? My initial thoughts were the shark because its a brute it kept attacking the 4 texas I had in there. It chases the nics but cant keep up and they swim straight behind the servs when the shark starts, the shark is terrified of the servs.

I am not sure weather to move the firemouth as she looks stressed being so pale but trying to catch her may stress her even more. I have left the lights off this morning hopefully everyone will settle down again.

The boys and I had a sob as we burried Mr Sparkles this morning.
Hi Lace, the servs are no longer guarding. I stupidly lifted the bogwood to check if there were eggs and disturbed them and they must have eaten the babies. My male Ellioti was really gentle, he never chased the female, she always started the courtship and he just did his bit.

I blame myself, I should have moved the firemouth I think as he was looking after 2 ladies.

Maybe its because I have no dithers in the tank either they all had a go at him for some reason. I will never know.
Hi Star, sounds like you had a lovely natured male and again i'm sorry for your loss. Try not to blame yourself, we all know what cichlids are like, very unpretictable and unforseen events can not be stopped. Sending you a big hug.

It wasnt your fault and its unfortunately the nature of cichlids, they can turn nasty in the blink of an eye, most cichlid keepers go thru this at some time, its rare to not have losses sooner or later.
Thank you both for the kind words, its very much appreciated.
Sorry though. I hope you will have no more losses.

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