Really Stupid Question..


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Lately ive been doing some re decorating in my tank. This just consists of me sticking my hand in and moving crap around. Unfortunately, my cats decided to nap on the towel I would use to dry my hands on each time.. now my tank is full of cathair. I can see it on the sand, and it's wrapped around the plants. It looks like its staying on the plants too as theres now algae growing on it.

Ridculous? Yes.

Harmful? You tell me. Ive tried getting it out but it just.. well you try catching a hair in water. :sly:
I can't see it being too harmful in the tank! The filter will eventually get any that are floating about! You could give your tank a quick vac! Thats what I do when my dogs hairs end up in the tank! The hairs on the plants you could just try gently removing if they really are bugging you too much!
Oh, man! That is really funny, but sort of sad, too. :rolleyes: It bothers me when I get even one of my cat's hairs in my tank. I couldn't imagine having a ton wrapped around plants and stuff. I'll have to remember to get a clean towel each time.
I agree about the vacuum. Its probably the only thing you can do, other than try to pick out each hair individually. :S
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem! :*)

What grosses me out is when I find my own hair in the tank. It's long and looks really strange waving around in the current. :sick:

Do be sure to check the impeller in your filter regularly because hair can become wrapped around it and cause problems.
:lol: thanks for the replies. save yourselves before it's too late, use clean towels. i'll probably remove the plants and some point for a nice wash (plastic.) and do a vac.
Ah well buddy... not to worry! Dont think your fish will come to any harm... :thumbs:
Ah, the hair in the impeller problem!

My hair's long too and always seem to choose the time when I'm renovating the tanks to fall out. Plus the kits tend to like to jump up and see what I'm doing as soon as I go near the tanks and love water so are always sticking their paws in and getting in the way generally. If I leave the lid of the fish food for a second they start eating it!

I used to worry that the fish would try to eat it, but it's obviously not appetising enough. Well, mine aint but yours may be.
Well that would be kinda sick if you saw your fish eating it and some of them with half the hair sticking out of their mouth. :sick:
Not sure if this would work but try sucking it up with a turkey baster (then you'll have the problem of getting hair out of a turkey baster)
ok i spent about 5 hours trying to get the hair out. yes 5. my fish absolutely hate me.

the result? more hair. i give up, haha. im sure over time it will begin to dissapear, or at least hide itself from my eyes :crazy:

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