Really Sick Looking White Cloud

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Sep 7, 2003
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i just discovered today (29th june) that my female white cloud is looking really freaky. Her eyes are popping out, her mouth seems to be in a wierd shape, like its popping out too, and her scales seems to be standing a result, she looks puffed up.

she is normally very greedy..but has not been eating the whole day and her reflexes are slow...feels like she might have gone blind from her popping out eyes..

What is happening to her!!!!!???? is there anything immediate that i could do to help her? i have had her for more then 6mths....would not want to lose her... :(

tried to take a pict of her but the pict oculd not come out clearly....
sounds like an internal bacteria or parasite iinfection. Seems like you have symptoms that look like dropsy and pop-eye which both indicate an internal bacterial or parasitic infection. I would treat with an internal bacteria med like interpet anti bacterial med No. 9 or kanamycin may help. Often these conditions are very hard to treat as they dont show up until the fish is very ill. Good luck :)
but what are the causes of these infections? my fishes have been healthy for more then 6months without any fatality...i do more then 50% water changes weekly and vacuum the gravels each time i change the water. on top of that..i put a few drops of anti inch med for prevention purposes...

she is always resting on the gravel now...and from what u said...i think i am going to lose her...sigh.....have lost quite a number of fishes when i first started setting up the tank...thought the water condition have finally stabalized since i had not encounter any deaths for quite some time.... the thought of losing another fish again is so sickening...sigh sigh sigh.....
oh..and should i fish her out? will it be contagious?
oh spare tank at the moment....the only place she'll be would be will be in a glass jar or plastic container....
eugene said:
but what are the causes of these infections? my fishes have been healthy for more then 6months without any fatality...i do more then 50% water changes weekly and vacuum the gravels each time i change the water. on top of that..i put a few drops of anti inch med for prevention purposes...

she is always resting on the gravel now...and from what u said...i think i am going to lose her...sigh.....have lost quite a number of fishes when i first started setting up the tank...thought the water condition have finally stabalized since i had not encounter any deaths for quite some time.... the thought of losing another fish again is so sickening...sigh sigh sigh.....
What are your water parameters now? These types of things happen from time to time. even in tanks where everything is "perfect" fish get sick. Some things we can help with and others we cant. Do you check the water parameters often and when do you check them? Sounds like you are doing everything you can to keep the tank clean so keep up the great work and your fish will really appreciate it.
Also was this fish involved in a cycle? :)
i dun have the equipments to check the water param...however, since my tank is usually kept clean...i did'nt think that could be a might....and the present fishes were never involved with the cycling...

oh and something i would like to add was that recently, there was an algae bloom, could this be the cause? but i heard that the algae helps to break down the wastes too...however...i still brush the algae away using a sponge whenever i clean the tank..
The algae wouldnt cause anything drastic but the cause for the algae bloom might give you some answers. I would take a sample of your water to the LFS and get them to test it for you and give you the readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and if they can phosphate and hardness. If you are going to keep at this it is very beneficial to get test kits, it takes a lot of the guessing out of the "what is causing this" scenario. Good luck :)

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