Really Old Filter,is It Safe To Use?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2007
Reaction score
Dover, Kent
Some friends gave me a really old tank that hasn't been used for around 8 years, and it has a fluval external filter with it. I'm thinking of using this as a second tank, I've tried the filter, and it works, doesn't leak or anything, but after 8 yrs, will it b ok touse, or should i buy a new one to be on the safe side?
Some friends gave me a really old tank that hasn't been used for around 8 years, and it has a fluval external filter with it. I'm thinking of using this as a second tank, I've tried the filter, and it works, doesn't leak or anything, but after 8 yrs, will it b ok touse, or should i buy a new one to be on the safe side?
ya dissinfect it soak in hot water for a while... soak in really hot water.. and the tubes soak them but not to hot that they melt.... you should be fine..
Will be fine, but if in ANY doubt sterilise it with some "miltons" sterilising fluid, as used for babys bottles etc... then rinse rinse rinse :good:

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