Really Fat African Dwarf Frog


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
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I have 4 African Dwarf frogs which ive had for around a year. One of them is quite fat, he has been larger than the others for a while but recently he seems even bigger and is having trouble reaching the surface for air. I dont think he has dropsy as he has been fat for months and months, I tried feeding him peas to see if he was constipated but he just spat it out and refused to eat them. I feed the frogs frozen bloodworms every other day.
Here is a pic:
Bloodworms are very poor nutritionally for amphibians. I've kept various newts since I was young, and the best staple for them is earthworms. If he has been on bloodworms all his life it is possible that he is suffering from a deficiency causing that problem which is possibly bloat.  
AeonMapa said:
Bloodworms are very poor nutritionally for amphibians. I've kept various newts since I was young, and the best staple for them is earthworms. If he has been on bloodworms all his life it is possible that he is suffering from a deficiency causing that problem which is possibly bloat.  
What would you suggest feeding instead? It must be something which can be fed with long tweezers, pellets for example are no good as they stick to the tweezers.

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