Really dire situation


Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2002
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Well first of all tank readings : ammonia - 0 nitrite - 0 nitrate - 50

I've just discovered one of my danios is now missing an eye...does anyone have any suggestions for helping this heal because it looks pretty sore!
I have been treating the tank with melafix for the past 6 days due to new clowns so this should have helped him anyway right?

This leads me on to my next point, which is that two of my male guppies appear to have developed white spot, at least I'm assuming it is since I have never seen it before. It looks like cotton wool just before their dorsal fins, only a small patch on each, but still there. I added 3 clowns last Sunday, and another 2 today as 2 had paired up and left one alone but insisted on schooling with my orange guppy.

As I have said above, I have been treating the tank with melafix and today turned the thermometer up to try and ensure that there were no problems. I know I should have quarentined the new fish but I have no room since I have a tank of 40 babies on the go which takes up all the space! However, if I need to separate the males and the poorly danio I can as long as my mum is in a good mood. They would have to be separated together though.

Could I have some help please!!! And any recommended products if I need them....

Thanks in advance!

Hi Minx,

Sorry to hear about your probelms!!!


White spot or Ich as it is known is not charecterized be a cottony appearance. Ich looks like your fish were sprinkled with salt!!

What you describe sounds like a fungal problem.

IMO/E in the area it is in, it is probably due to the fish being wounded. Various fungi of the genera Saprolegnia and Achyla attack fishes that have been wounded or are in a poor state of resistance.

Melafix, although touted by some as an effective cure for some problems, is not IMO very effective at all!!!!

Try getting a medication specific for a fungal problem and this should clear up in a day or two as long as it is not to far advanced.

The danio with the missing eye has a good chance of recovering (if it has been caught in time). Make sure your water quality is good and by adding the fungal medication this should help prevent any secondary infections from occurring.

The danio may have had it's eye picked out by another fish or it could have been in poor shape and lost it's eye this way.

Poor water quality is by far the number one cause of eye loss!!!

Hope this helps.

Well thanks for replying. I went to the LFS today and we decided it wasn't ick, but I suppose it was a good guess for my emergency! Anyway, I got something called Esha 2000, which treats for a variety of "fungus, finrot and bacteria" problems. On the instructions I spotted what I think it is, and yes, according to that also it is a secondry fungus type thing. It should also prevent any problems with my danio, I did spot a couple of the others chasing him earlier, so I'll keep my eye on it. He might have to have a spin in the goldfish tank if it doesn't get any better. It was feeding time though so it's all a bit mad in there anyway then.

My friend at the LFS holds the same opinion about melafix, and it doesn't seem to have done any good does it! one product I won't be buying again.

I did a 40% water change today, and the water is in fine quality, it was the first thing I checked last night. Anyway, thanks for your reply, it is appreciated.

I've had good results w/ Melafix, esp. w/ my pleco who had a sizeable open wound.
It's not an antibiotic, but for tissue repair, I'd say it works very well.
jmo ;)

As I said, some say it works great!!! I have used it for tissue regeneration with no results whatsoever, even minor fin tears!!!!!!!

Only good thing is I didn't have to pay for the bottle I have so no big deal!!!

I would also recommend Dick Boyd's VitaChem for tissue repair. Not only does it work great for this, but it also helps stop HITH and LLD plus you have the added benefit of your fish getting extra vitamins which they can always use.


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