Fish Connoisseur
On sunday I went to the petstore get some newts. They didn't have them so I looked around at the fish. I will be getting a new 55 gallon for my Bday in july, so this is what sparked my interest in these fish. I saw an african knife fish! So I took it knowing they are on the small side of knife fishes. I dumped him in my quarantine tank, and a couple hours later, he took a piece of tubifex out of my hand. Now my geo, on the other hand, saw that I was paying more attention to this new guy, and started acting like any cichlid, territorial. He won't bite, and the knife knows it. The knife will swim into him and the geo will push him away. All the while the geo looks like a Convict with verticle black stripes down khis body
So last night I threw a bunch of shrimp pellets in. The lights were out in the fishtank and my room, I was looking in the tank with a flashlight. A second later the knife floated to where the food was, searched around for a couple seconds, and grabbed a pellet. The geo wasn't hungry, and this spot wasn't his territory, he shoved the knife out with a sideways body movement, and wouldn't let him come to get a bite to eat. He repeditively did thid and the knife didn't give up. Gotta love fish
Now since the geo has a newfound interest in being territorial, he chases mo the gudgeon who is still recovering from a freak accident with a pvc pipe, and being beat up by a jewel cichlid less than a 3rd of his size. My sig pic shows my geo, a large, usually peaceful New world cichlid