Really And Adf?


Jun 12, 2006
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Ohio, USA
Well, after I read everything I could, and researching the difference between ADFs and ACFs, and taking my time at three different stores - I was almost postive I was able to get an ADF....

Now I'm not so sure.

He's VERY agressive at feeding time, and will only go after moving food. (I feed him with a syringe.) He attacks the syringe, and the betta, and has gone for a ride by latching onto the tail of the bamboo shrimp that used to be in with him. I've never seen him eat something that was sitting on the bottom - it has to be floating past him.

He does stay at the bottom all the time, and only comes up for air. He's very active all day long. Unless it's feeding time, he's very peaceful and doesn't bother anything else in the tank.

As long as he stays small, I'll live with it. I'll just have to get both hands in the tank to feed the betta and the frog at the same time. :D If he starts growing, he'll go back to the shop. I don't have room for a killer frog! But I would like to know now if this is unusual, or if it's okay and I can relax for a couple of months to see if he grows.
Don't know much on ADF's, but if you can get pics of him that would probably be of much help in ID'ing him (or her) :) - what color is the frog? Albino or natural? How large is it?
Not common at all, you either have a crazed ADF, but more likely a juvenile ACF. ACF have much flatter faces while dwarves have more shovel like faces. Like phoenix said pics would definitely help. (random) Never knew there was an aquatic reptiles section :good:!
I don't have a digital and every pic I've tried with a film camera has come out blurry. :sad:

It's only a little over an inch long, is natural grey colored, and has a snout like a hog-nosed snake, if that helps. :D Probably only if you're in the US, though :X ....

It honestly doesn't resemble the photos I've seen of ACFs.

The only thing I can think of is that it's that hungry - I feed every two days. Would that really make that much of a difference though?

Edit.... And I so totally just read my post title................... I really need to take my time typing, I think.... It should read "Really an ADF?".... I'm going back to bed....
This is some info i found on ADF's and ACF's;

"Not to be confused with African Clawed frogs (Xenopus Laevis) Dwarfs have webbing between their feet and tiny black claws. They are never sold in an albino or golden form. Do not keep dwarfs with clawed frogs or they will be eaten. Clawed frogs have no webbing between their front feet and have buggy looking eyes on the top of their head. Dwarfs have flatter looking eyes more towards the sides of the head. Dwarfs also appear skinnier around the waist. They are diurnal and will be out rooting around for most of the day. Clawed frogs grow 5 inches plus and are larger than African dwarf frogs. Another difference is that Clawed frogs need more like 10 gallons per frog."

African Clawed frog pics;






African Dwarf frog pics;




(male left, female right)


Does this help at all in ID'ing your frog?
Does this help at all in ID'ing your frog?

Now somebody needs to put these up on a website!!!!!!!

It seriously does look exactly like an ADF. I've never really questioned how it looked much, but those pics are PERFECT!!!!! I don't have any doubt left.

I do worry about his personality though.... Do you think he'd mellow a bit if another ADF were with him? I know people keep one, or in groups, but I've never really read anything stating they're better off either way. Are they a "shoaling" species :lol: , or are they territorial, or do they really just not give a hoot about anything?
ADFs would usually do better with a mate.

if u wanna make sure it's an ADF, check the front legs (hands). if they're webbed, then it's most likely an ADF. if not, prolly an ACF. also ADF eyes are on the sides of the head, while ACF's are on top.

ur ADF sounds usually very aggressive though

here are some nice webpages i found about ADFs :)

btw are we allowed to post external links? i think i've heard that we couldn't :blink:
Once I'm sure what gender the frog is I'll get it a buddy. :D I tried sexing them at the store, but it was just too confusing :blink: .

And thanks for the clarification. I really didn't want to wake up and find Mr. Betta had been eaten by a killer frog in sheeps clothing or something!
Once I'm sure what gender the frog is I'll get it a buddy. :D I tried sexing them at the store, but it was just too confusing :blink: .

And thanks for the clarification. I really didn't want to wake up and find Mr. Betta had been eaten by a killer frog in sheeps clothing or something!

Yes the frog may do better with some buddies, i have also read that they do better in groups :) .
Also, if he's guzzling down lots of food in a short amount of time and leaving none to spare, it may be worth trying feeding him a bit more just in case he's got a large appetite to cater for and needs more food :thumbs: . What are you feeding him currently?
2mL of frozen foods every two days. It was brine shrimp since I brought him home, and the lfs finally got the freezer fixed this weekend, so he had bloodworms last night, will be getting mysis shrimp tomorrow, and once the lfs gets a new shipment, I'll be adding daphnia to that list as well. Thinking about krill, but I don't know if he'd eat it.

He gets hand fed by syringe because of the betta. I feed him until he stops biting at the syringe, and by that time he's noticable thicker. Then I'll let the betta clean up what's fallen, and give him a little extra. :good:
2mL of frozen foods every two days. It was brine shrimp since I brought him home, and the lfs finally got the freezer fixed this weekend, so he had bloodworms last night, will be getting mysis shrimp tomorrow, and once the lfs gets a new shipment, I'll be adding daphnia to that list as well. Thinking about krill, but I don't know if he'd eat it.

He gets hand fed by syringe because of the betta. I feed him until he stops biting at the syringe, and by that time he's noticable thicker. Then I'll let the betta clean up what's fallen, and give him a little extra. :good:

Sounds like a good diet but i would experiment with feeding just a little bit more often- sometimes small but regular meals are the key, rather than less regular but larger meals.

Generally speaking, the smaller an animal is the shorter its gut will be, so it gets hungrier much more often but only requires small portions to keep it satisfied- with my guppys for example, in the past i used to feed them 2 big meals a day, but they ate like they were facing a 3 month famine with this method of feeding.
Now days i feed to them 3-4 small meals a day, basically the same amount as i used to feed them in the past but split up into smaller meals throughout the day, and their appetites seem much more normal- they still guzzle down food, but the general health and activity of them is much better now days, so small but regular meals must be much more bennificial for them as this suits their size and activity levels much better :) .

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