Real Or Fake Plants?


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Hey everyone, Just trying to get information about corys cause i want to start a few tanks with them in it. Ive just read a previous post and now i have a question. Do corys like real or fake plants? Do they rip out real plants like some other bottom dwellers do? Thanks in advance.

Hi Bozza :)

Corys aren't much of a problem with plants, but if you go with real plants, look for ones that don't need a lot of light like java ferns. They aren't rooted plants and can be attached to a piece of wood and moved around if necessary.

Amazon sword plants are good too, once they take root. The corys seem to like sitting under them, and since they are high enough they make a sort of shelter for them while letting the corys be in full view. :)
Yes, Java fern and the moss too are great with cories, cause they will grow on anything, almost. That way the substrate doesn't need to be too deep, but the cories still have some live plants.

I also use the Amazon Swords. The other nice thing is, if I don't want the substrate too deep, the swords will survive a long time uprooted.

I think the fry that make it in the aeneus tank get their first nourishment off the plant refuse.
I may look at some driftwood that have plants attached, will look for driftwood with alittle cave type thing. Thanks for ur help
i say real plants always if the the dont destroy them being in a small town the pet shop peepl dont no that much about the plants in the tanks so most of the ones i try with only the strong tend to live a long time i have fownd this typ of plant a very strong one and fast at grewing and makeing baby plants i just keep my tank near a window and it lives with that light (oh that site is okay with pics and names but i would not trust every thing it says there alot of wrong info ) that plant makes the tank look nice and after its made a lot of little plants rownd its self makes placers to hide...................i dont no that much about the plant but its the only plant that has not died at all yet with me and its been about half a year any way just thort i would add this info but most of the peepl who posted befor me probly no alot more on plants........oh u could ask about the plants in the Plants and Planted Tanks forum on here
I really like that plant. I have only really used the normal live plant "weed" cant remeber the name, ive been able to keep these plants for a long time.. I wish i could get some. But next yr i will go for more different types of plants.

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