Real Mystery Snails


Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK
I have just copied this post from the marine section!! I am getting really good at posting in the wrong place!!!

I have had about 8 mystery snails in my small tank for about 4 months now. They are a light grey/blue colour and dont seem to be breeding as there are certainly no more. They do not eat my plants and sometimes glide freely upside down across the open water at the top of the tank . They are about 3 mm in diamater at the moment. It was only when my first ever gold apple snail arrived today that I noticed the similarity in the shape of the shells.

Could they be baby apple snails (blue) that hatched from eggs transported on a new plant???? Here is a really poor pic, I will try to take some better ones later.


Adistar said:
i posted a reply in your other topic.

i think theya re blue birgs

What is a blue brig (apart from a snail :rofl: )? I have done a web search and came up with nothing.

I have not been feeding them on anything, as I originally thought they were a nuicance. I have ordered some snail food for my new apple, so will see what happens.

Paramaters are:

Ph 7.8
Phos 0.5
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5

im sorry,
its Pomacea bridgesii (brig is short for that)

Food: Prefers dead and rotting plants and artificial foods like fish food; doesn't eat healthy plants unless no other food is available. This makes the Pomacea bridgesii snail a good choice for planted aquaria.

Behaviour: moderately amphibious animal; relatively inactive during the day; can often be found on the bottom where it's searching for food or remains hidden in the mud; most activity during the night.

Distribution: Pomacea bridgesii effusa: Widely distributed throughout the Amazon river system (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Peru). Pomacea bridgesii bridgesii: rare species only reported at Rio Grande, Reyes River at Beni.
In the 1960s Pomacea bridgesii effusa has been introduced to Hawaii and in the 1980s it has spread to south-east Asia. In the early 1980's Pomacea bridgesii effusa established in Florida, USA.
Common in the aquarium trade, especially the yellow variation.

(Thanks to for the above information) is a great place to research ur snails ;)

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