Real Mystery Snails


Jan 18, 2005
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Kent, UK
I have had about 8 mystery snails in my small tank for about 4 months now. They are a light grey/blue colour and dont seem to be breeding as there are certainly no more. They do not eat my plants and sometimes glide freely upside down across the open water at the top of the tank :fun: :crazy: . They are about 3 mm in diamater at the moment. It was only when my first ever gold apple snail arrived today that I noticed the similarity in the shape of the shells.

Could they be baby apple snails (blue) that hatched from eggs transported on a new plant???? I will try and take some pics to post, but need to charge my batteries for my camera.

Really poor piccie, but one I took just b4 batteries ran out.


they may be blue brigs? As they dont eat ur plants.
But that is a long time to only grow that much.
How is ur water, and what do u feed them? has all the info you wil need
Mystery snails and apple snails are one and the same, two different common names for a very diverse genus. From what I could make out in the pic they look like apple/mystery snails to me. The reason they may not be breeding could be due to you having all females or all males. Apple snails are not hermaphrodites like alot of snails and you need both sexes to produce offspring. Some apple snails will lay their eggs above water so make sure you leave a bit of airspace at the top of your tank (they will attach the eggs to the glass) for the eggs to get oxygen, otherwise they will drown. Other species of apple snails lay their eggs in mud whenever the water levels of their habitat lower, obviously, these are harder to breed in captivity. Btw, be careful about what species you add to your tank if you plan on keeping more in future as not all will leave your plants alone. Hope this helps clear up a few things :)
if its in SW it sure aint a mystery snail I'll tell you that much, try the freshwater invert and amphibian section
Thanks for your replies! I put it in this section by mistake, and put it in the freshwater section straight after.

Many thanks


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