Ready To Start My Nano Reef


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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 9, 2007
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Ok, so i've been planning this for some time, and I now have an empty tank.

It's an Aqua One Horizon 60 with a capacity of around 70 litres. My plan is to get some live argonite sand and mix it with some coral sand and a couple of pieces of live rock to begin with, and make sure the rock is properly cured before adding anything else to avoid any ammonia spikes.

Then i intend to add a clean up crew of hermit crabs and turbo snails.

I think i will use either the Tunze nano pumps or a Hydor Koralia (had one of these before and wasn't very impressed, so probably stick with the Tunze) for circulation round the rock.

I think i will need to upgrade the lighting before adding any corals, but i've not really looked into that yet.

I already have some marine salt to be going on with.

I eventually plan to stock with a pair of Percula Clowns and maybe a couple of others.

Advice suggestions are welcome. Cheers. :good:

I'm not sure. From memory when i had a reef tank before, i reckon i'll need maybe 5kg. That might be way off though, as i said, its just from memory.
Another thing too, I don't plan to use a protein skimmer on this tank. I always used a skimmer on my reef before but this tank is really too small to house one comfortably. I assume i will be ok with that so long as i carry out regular water changes?
Cool, look forward to seeing this progress. :good:

For the LR I would go for a little bit more. I had about 7kg in my 45l which was about right, you could go for more or less depending on your tastes but for a 70l I personally would go for somewhere between 7-10kg.

My tank run fine without a skimmer and I had no problems with it at all for almost a year (until I left it in someone elses care). Running with a skimmer would be better but if you keep onto of the water changes and arent heavily stocked you will be ok.

Only thing I would suggest which you havent mentioned is using RO water from the start (if you plan on having corals later).
Thanks for your comments, Barney. I already have a 6-stage RO unit , so no worries on that front.

What do you think are the minimum lighting requirements for soft corals? At the moment it has a single daylight bulb (24w i think) and i'm pretty sure that isn't going to be enough, but i'm not sure which lighting to go for.

I may end up getting a skimmer later on. Can you suggest any SMALL ones?

Cheers :good:

i would opt for some t5s for corals, perhaps 2 lots of 36 watts or 2 lots of 24 watts and change your current bulb to an atinic.

skimmers im looking at the Deltec MCE3000 at the moment becuase the pump is situated outside the tank which is good! or if you want a quite cheap fairly good skimmer then the v2 120 nano skimmer would be good.
Yep would agree with Shibby, not talking from personal experience on the skimmers but I have read a lot of good things about the V2 120 and I will probably end up getting this or the V2 200.

With the lights I would agree again that T5's are probably the best option. You could go with power compacts and get away with it (I kept a few under about 36w of PC and they did fine) but they will do better under T5's.
Thanks. The V2 120 looks pretty good. That might just be the one i go for.

About lights, can anyone recommend any? The tank is 2ft long. I don't want anything stupid expensive, just enough to grow a few soft corals.

Cheers :good:

the only downside with the v2 120 seems its collection cup size.

for lighting as stated above, t5s will be best bet looking at roughly 70quid perhaps cheaper if you look round for a starter and 2 bulbs (36 watts) what im going to be using for mine :good:
My LFS (watermarque) sells t5 lights that clip on to your tank for £25 with blue l.e.ds attached to.
Thanks again to everyone for your input. I am looking at getting an Arcadia 2ft Luminaire. I have one on my other tank and they are great.

I will be starting the project this weekend. I'll do a journal of my progress in the members aquariums section as always.

If anyone has any other advice or question, please feel free.


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